[Home]2001 anthrax attack locations

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Locations where anthrax has been found in the 2001 anthrax attack:


American Media - anthrax found on keyboard of victim Robert Stevens and in mail room.

[Boca Raton]? post office - trace amounts in the area that sorts mail addressed to American Media.


Microsoft Licensing office in Reno? - A check sent to Malaysia from the company was returned with pornographic pictures, one of which was laced with anthrax.

New York City

NBC offices - on a letter from Trenton, New Jersey postmarked September 16 to Tom Brokaw.

Offices of Governor [George Pataki]?.

Washington, D.C.

Tom Daschle's office near the Capitol, on a letter from Trenton, New Jersey postmarked October 8.

A Senate mailroom in a nearby office building.


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Edited October 18, 2001 2:01 am by The Cunctator (diff)