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Changed: 1c1
Meant to be the discussion forum of the [Portland Pattern Repository] (PPR), Ward Cunningham created the [WikiWikiWeb] as an[Wiki:InformalHistoryOfProgrammingIdeas? information history of programming ideas]. "Wiki wiki" meaning "quick" in Hawaiian seemed appropriate at the time as Cunningham wrote the original script very quickly. Indeed, despite its many years, the script remained under 500 lines of Perl despite the fact the site had grown to over 10 000 pages.
The term WikiWiki ("wiki wiki" means "quick" in the Hawaiian language) can be used to identify either a type of hypertext document or the software used to write it. Often called "wiki" for short, the collaborative software application enables web documents to be authored collectively using a simple markup? scheme and without the content being reviewed prior to its acceptance. The resulting collaborative hypertext document, also called either "wiki" or "WikiWikiWeb," is typically produced by a community of users. Many wikis are immediately identifiable by their use of CamelCase, produced by capitalizing words in a phrase and removing the spaces between them; this turns the phrase into an automatic link.

Changed: 3c3
Now, the PPR is defunct, but WikiWiki as it is sometimes called lives strong even to this day. It has spurned on the creation of many clone sites, such as this one, known under the collective class of wikis. Note that somewhat confusingly, WikiWiki is also referred to as "the Wiki" or "Wiki" (note capitalization) in contrast, in homage to its place as the original and most important wiki.
It is a mark of wiki culture that no two wiki clones are alike. It is often debatable whether a site is a wiki or not, and few people expend much effort trying to define or preserve the difference.

Changed: 5c5,7
A wiki is a collaborative hypertext document produced by a community of users. It is a collaborative software application, enabling web documents to be authored collectively using a simple markup scheme and without the content being reviewed prior to its acceptance. Many wikis are immediately identifiable by their use of CamelCase, mixed case words that turn into automatic links. Nonetheless, it is a mark of wiki culture that no two wiki clones are alike. It's often debatable whether a site is a wiki or not, and no great effort is made to preserve the mark. That would be missing the point.
The original WikiWikiWeb was established by Ward Cunningham, who invented and named the Wiki concept, and produced the first implementation of a WikiWiki server. Some people maintain that only Ward's wiki should be called Wiki (upper case) or the WikiWikiWeb. For more history, please see history of wiki. Ward's Wiki remains one of the most popular Wiki sites:


Changed: 9c11
The particular wiki you are looking at is Wikipedia, an effort to write a complete encyclopedia from scratch, collaboratively. It is currently adding articles at a pace of a thousand or so per month.
The particular Wiki you are looking at is Wikipedia, an effort to write a complete encyclopedia from scratch, collaboratively.

Changed: 18c20

The term WikiWiki ("wiki wiki" means "quick" in the Hawaiian language) can be used to identify either a type of hypertext document or the software used to write it. Often called "wiki" for short, the collaborative software application enables web documents to be authored collectively using a simple markup? scheme and without the content being reviewed prior to its acceptance. The resulting collaborative hypertext document, also called either "wiki" or "WikiWikiWeb," is typically produced by a community of users. Many wikis are immediately identifiable by their use of CamelCase, produced by capitalizing words in a phrase and removing the spaces between them; this turns the phrase into an automatic link.

It is a mark of wiki culture that no two wiki clones are alike. It is often debatable whether a site is a wiki or not, and few people expend much effort trying to define or preserve the difference.

The original WikiWikiWeb was established by Ward Cunningham, who invented and named the Wiki concept, and produced the first implementation of a WikiWiki server. Some people maintain that only Ward's wiki should be called Wiki (upper case) or the WikiWikiWeb. For more history, please see history of wiki. Ward's Wiki remains one of the most popular Wiki sites:


You can search the page titles of various wikis at once using MetaWiki.

The particular Wiki you are looking at is Wikipedia, an effort to write a complete encyclopedia from scratch, collaboratively.

See also: What is a wiki, History of wiki

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Last edited November 28, 2001 6:37 am by Larry Sanger (diff)