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Marx and Engels were asked to write the Manifesto by the Communist groups. So, yes the political entity preceedes the Manifesto. The "Communist Party" as such, however, did not exist.
-John Lynch

Text of the Manifesto taken from http://csf.colorado.edu/psn/marx/Archive/1848-CM/cm.html

This needs to be Wikified more. -John Lynch

If the book calls itself communist why do Europeans call its philosophy socialist? Also if the book is called "The Communist Manifesto because it explains the Communist party's philosophy, than the party must be older than the book. Is that true or was the party founded based on the book?

Marx and Engels were asked to write the Manifesto by the Communist groups. So, yes the political entity preceedes the Manifesto. The "Communist Party" as such, however, did not exist. -John Lynch

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Last edited July 13, 2001 1:52 am by John Lynch (diff)