[Home]States in Medieval Britain

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Difference (from prior author revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 52a53

Added: 53a55
*[East Anglia]?

Added: 98a101,103

Added: 101a107,112

Changed: 105c116
*Gaell-Gaedhill? (Galloway)

Added: 106a118,120
*[Earldom of Orkney]?
*[Kingdom of Man]?

The following counties are listed in the [Domesday book]?, compiled under the order of William the Conqueror between 1066 and 1086,

Here follow (mostly) states prior to 1066
on this there is some discussion in the Talk-section:
"What are the middle ages?"

Angle, Saxon, & Jute states

Southern Celtic states

Scottish, Pict & Caledonian states

Dane, Norsemen & Dubliner states

I made some blatant mistakes in this
I'm sure someone will amend it properly
- Mathijs

I fixed some of the errors. This is a nice list to start with
- Kevin


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Last edited March 27, 2001 3:41 am by Mathijs (diff)