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Added: 24a25,27

Perhaps some mention of the different types of differential equations and methods for solving them would be appropriate (i.e. linear first and second order, etc.) --BlackGriffen

The first paragraph is not quite technically correct. It's not a bad start, but should be refined a bit.

If you could elaborate in its technical incorrectness, I'll get refining... GWO

Now you have something to pull apart...RoseParks

Just a typesetting note: when doing some minor copyediting here, I discovered that using an ordinary apostrope (') for the "prime" sign really wreaks havoc on the Wiki software (especially when doubled), since it tries to interpret them as bold, italics, etc. The "correct" thing to do would be to use ′, but some browsers won't handle that well, and there's no other tricky notation on this page to justify the use of special characters. So I have used the bare-acute-accent character ´ (decimal 0180) for the prime symbol. It should work on all browsers using either ISO or Windows ANSI, and doesn't screw up the Wiki software. --LDC


Now for the nits... (heh) For an ODE, we really speak of a function x of a single parameter t, that is, x = x(t)...

The really frustrating thing about math is that so much of the notation I learned in lower division I more or less had to unlearn in upper division or grad level classes.

Perhaps some mention of the different types of differential equations and methods for solving them would be appropriate (i.e. linear first and second order, etc.) --BlackGriffen

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Last edited October 4, 2001 9:44 am by 165.123.179.xxx (diff)