[Home]December 10

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Difference (from prior author revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 3a4
*1851: [Melvil Dewey]?, librarian, creator of the Dewey Decimal Classification system

Changed: 10c11

*1967: [Otis Redding]?, singer

Added: 12a14,15
*1817: Mississippi becomes the 20th state
*1898: A treaty is signed in Paris that officially ends the Spanish-American War

Added: 13a17,18
*1948: The United Nations General Assembly adopts its Universal Declaration of Human Rights
*1965: The Grateful Dead play their first concert at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco.

December 10 is the 344th day (345th on leap years) of the year. There are 21 days remaining.




See Also: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

December 9 - December 11 - November 10 - January 10 -- other historical anniversaries

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Last edited December 10, 2001 9:48 pm by Jaison Lee (diff)