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Added: 5a6,7
: I have an opposite understanding. I thought the DVD was originally designed as Digital Versatile Disc. However, the general public only knows its most popular use as Digital Video Disc and the name sticks. Same reason why the Americans call their mobile phones as cell phones even though cellular technology is only one of the many technologies in use. In the US, many uses of the English language does not make too much sense.

From what I understand, Digital Video Disc was the first meaning, and then it was changed to Versatile after it was realized that they would be used for more than just video. Ill check to see if I can find any more info on it. --mincus
DVD name expansion clarified. --Damian Yerrick

thank you --mincus

I have an opposite understanding. I thought the DVD was originally designed as Digital Versatile Disc. However, the general public only knows its most popular use as Digital Video Disc and the name sticks. Same reason why the Americans call their mobile phones as cell phones even though cellular technology is only one of the many technologies in use. In the US, many uses of the English language does not make too much sense.

I think that the DMCA only applies in the US... here in the UK, chipped or hand-set modifiable players are available everywhere (hey even supermarkets have sold them!). Maybe the text should be chnaged to say "In the USA...." etc. Stevebrowne

US jurisdiction of DMCA clarified. --Damian Yerrick

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Last edited October 1, 2001 6:52 am by 24.4.254.xxx (diff)