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Dassault Systems decides jointly with IBM to transfer the responsibility of CADAM to Dassault Systems of America, a company created in 1992 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Dassault Systems.
IBM agrees to acquire a minority interest in Dassault Systems. Since then, CATIA and CADAM are progressively unified by merging the best technological features of both systems.

First version of Visio Technical, an entry-level 2D drawing program from Visio Corporation.

Autodesk ships 3D Studio version 2 for DOS.

Autodesk ships AutoCAD Release 12 for DOS in June. Includes AutoCAD SQL Extension (ASE)/Autodesk? SQL Interface (ASI) that lets you establish links between AutoCAD and an SQL database.
Advanced Modeling Extension (AME) release 2.1 is supported by Release 12, with region modeling and new solid primitives. AutoCAD Render is included with AutoCAD.
Release 12 uses ADI version 4.2.

By the end of this year over 21,000 seats of Unigraphics worldwide installed.

1992 Inc. Magazine names Deneba Software as one of America's fastest growing companies. Deneba ArtWorks? succeeds UltraPaint? as entry-level graphics app of choice. Canvas for Windows is introduced at Comdex in Las Vegas. The Japanese version of Deneba ArtWorks? ships. Deneba takes advantage of Canvas 3.0's advanced open architecture technology and introduces three add-on products for Canvas 3 in the form of "ToolPaks?." Years later, an entire industry would be created around this concept.
CAM specialist mbp UNC Software GmbH? (Cologne) acquired by Unigraphics Solutions.

Unigraphics introduces hybrid modeling, featuring both advanced parametric and traditional constructive modeling technologies.

Company becomes founding member of ProSTEP?.

Opel chooses Unigraphics as strategic CAD/CAM/CAE system.

CATIA-CADAM Solutions Version 4 is announced. It significantly improves product line, robustness, open architecture, performance and ease of use.
A new « solutions » approach repackages individual software products into ready-to-use, user-based configurations of related products.
The new CATIA software family enables a company to perform several operations concurrently, such as designing in three dimensions, creating engineering drawings, analyzing a product or assembly, viewing it as a rendered image and speeding up manufacturing processes.

1993 A committee of 16 institutions and companies and SoftSource? defined and developed SVF (Simple Vector Format) considered the most efficient method to work with vector based drawing files on the Internet.
EDS Corporation ships Unigraphics vers. 10 with the SpaceBall? 3D positioning device.

Autodesk ships 3D Studio version 3 for DOS. Can be used to create sophisticated animation of AutoCAD drawings.

1993 Canvas 3.5 for Windows ships.
Canvas 3.5 for Macintosh ships.
Secret work on a complete rewrite of Canvas begins.
John Kirschtick from Computervision founded a new CAD company called SolidWorks?, Inc.

The first AutoCAD (Release 12) for Windows platforms. It required 8 MB RAM and 34 MB Hard Drive space for complete installation.
The Windows version of AutoCAD includes 36 icons toolbox, allows multiple AutoCAD sessions, separate Render window, support for Windows GUI, DDE and OLE, as well as Drag-and-Drop and Bird's Eye view capabilities.
The AutoCAD main menu has been eliminated; After initial configuration, AutoCAD displays the graphics screen.
AutoCAD 12 for Windows was one of the most successful CAD programs ever.

Autodesk delivers Design Expert, an Integrated Package of AutoCAD 12 and AutoSurf? for SUN Sparc Station.

1993 In December CINEMA 4D version 1 is released for Amiga with a resounding success troughout Europe.

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Last edited August 9, 2001 10:52 pm by Gareth Owen (diff)