[Home]Atlas Shrugged/El Paso Texas

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Changed: 1c1,3
El Paso, Texas is the southern terminus of the /RioNorteLine?. Francisco d'Anconia was in El Paso at the time /MrsGilbertVail? claimed she was with him in the /Andes.
El Paso, Texas is the southern terminus of the Rio Norte Line.

Francisco d'Anconia was in El Paso at the time Mrs. Gilbert Vail claimed he was with her in the Andes.

Changed: 4,5c6,7

El Paso, Texas is the southern terminus of the Rio Norte Line.

Francisco d'Anconia was in El Paso at the time Mrs. Gilbert Vail claimed he was with her in the Andes.

It is mentioned in:


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Last edited March 3, 2001 2:00 am by office.bomis.com (diff)