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I think that generations are sufficiently ill-defined that we might not want to use them. It's very odd to have a generation including the intellivision and its successor, isn't it?
I think that generations are sufficiently ill-defined that we might not want to use them. It's very odd to have a generation including the intellivision and its successor, isn't it?

I remember quite clearly the generations defined by "bitness", so I think it is valid to include that information. However, from a historical point of view, retroactively labeling them this way could do more to obscure the history than help I think. However, for the time being it is the clearest I suppose.
--Alan D
BTW, Neo Geo was a console, I knew somebody who had one.

1) a reader shouldn't need to know what directx is to understand that the X-Box is a stripped down computer 2) Classifying generations by "n-bit" is tempting but demonstrably incorrect.

It would probably benefit from a chronology that marks where between consoles a generation was defined. But on the otehr hand, there is some dispute as to whether the dreamcast is a next-gen or not. While it doesn't quite stand up to the gamecube or PS2, it is certainly a massive step up from playstation and N64.

--Alan D

Your quite right, the definition of bitness is completley arbituary even outside of the scope of VGS systems (does bitness mean register size, data bus, address bus what?). What else is there apart from Generation?


That shapes up a lot better now. Now all we need is for some more knowledgeable people to add the more obscure consoles (Japan had loads IIRC, was Neo-Geo a home colse?).

I think that generations are sufficiently ill-defined that we might not want to use them. It's very odd to have a generation including the intellivision and its successor, isn't it?

I remember quite clearly the generations defined by "bitness", so I think it is valid to include that information. However, from a historical point of view, retroactively labeling them this way could do more to obscure the history than help I think. However, for the time being it is the clearest I suppose. --Alan D BTW, Neo Geo was a console, I knew somebody who had one.

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Last edited October 17, 2001 1:49 am by 199.120.183.xxx (diff)