[Home]Unidad de Valor Constante

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The Unidad de Valor Constante (UVC) was created by Ecuador in 1993, and abolished with dollarization. It was meant to help deal with the high levels of inflation experienced under the sucre. The 1 UVC was specified at its introduction to equal 10 000 sucre, and the value of the UVC was adjusted regularly in line with the rate of inflation.
The Unidad de Valor Constante (UVC) was created by Ecuador in 1993, and abolished with dollarization (in 2000/2001?). It was meant to help deal with the high levels of inflation experienced under the sucre. The 1 UVC was specified at its introduction to equal 10 000 sucre, and the value of the UVC was adjusted regularly in line with the rate of inflation.

The Unidad de Valor Constante (UVC) was created by Ecuador in 1993, and abolished with dollarization (in 2000/2001?). It was meant to help deal with the high levels of inflation experienced under the sucre. The 1 UVC was specified at its introduction to equal 10 000 sucre, and the value of the UVC was adjusted regularly in line with the rate of inflation.

It had the ISO 4217 currency code ECV.

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Last edited December 4, 2001 2:25 pm by 203.109.250.xxx (diff)