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::Well, the reference I was thinking of was probably Philosophical Investigations, s. 3, but now I go back and read it and it doesn't quite seem to be saying what I remembered it as saying... -- SJK

I have tried to do a classification of sports in categories.

The classification below is neat, but might a more alphabetical list be better? What happens when you want to find a sport, and don't know what category it belongs in? -- Simon J Kissane
You hit CTRL-F in your browser ? - clasqm
yeah, we need a "sports listed by name" as well as by category. The only trouble is when you've got sports with multiple events such as athletics - what's a sport, and what's an event? Robert Merkel

About /What is a sport: I think relevant to this question is the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's discussion of the word "game". He asked, what is it that all games have in common? He argues that there is no single thing that all games have in common, but rather something is called a game because of its similarities with other things already called a game; the particular similarities may be completely different for two different games. I would guess the same applies to sport -- there is no one thing all sports have in common, rather something is called a sport because it has some things in common with other things called a sport. -- SJK

Have you got a reference on this topic? That might well be relevant. I disagree, but it sounds like a take on things that deserves mention.
Well, the reference I was thinking of was probably Philosophical Investigations, s. 3, but now I go back and read it and it doesn't quite seem to be saying what I remembered it as saying... -- SJK

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Last edited October 25, 2001 10:41 am by 203.109.250.xxx (diff)