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Exhausted gases from the burning (combustion) of substances ([steady state]?, liquids, or gases), either by accident? or for the purpose of heating?, [lamp light]?, [power generation]?, [pest control]?, communication (smoke signals) or inhalation?. Controlled combustion normally takes place in closed containers (such as engines, stove?s and lamp?s) and the exhaust smoke is released through a chimney? or exhaust pipe.
Exhausted gases from the burning (combustion) of substances (solid state, liquids, or gases), either by accident? or for the purpose of heating?, [lamp light]?, [power generation]?, [pest control]?, communication (smoke signals) or inhalation?. Controlled combustion normally takes place in closed containers (such as engines, stove?s and lamp?s) and the exhaust smoke is released through a chimney? or exhaust pipe.

Exhausted gases from the burning (combustion) of substances (solid state, liquids, or gases), either by accident? or for the purpose of heating?, [lamp light]?, [power generation]?, [pest control]?, communication (smoke signals) or inhalation?. Controlled combustion normally takes place in closed containers (such as engines, stove?s and lamp?s) and the exhaust smoke is released through a chimney? or exhaust pipe.

See also [fire fighter]?, smog, tobacco.

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Last edited May 19, 2001 7:20 am by AstroNomer (diff)