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Sin is a concept used primarily in the Abrahamic religions describing a transgression against the will of God, and often held to require repentance? and penance? and to entail the risk of damnation?.
Sin is a concept used primarily in the Abrahamic religions describing a transgression against the will of God, and often held to require repentance? and penance?; in some theologies it may also entail the risk of damnation?.

Sin is a concept used primarily in the Abrahamic religions describing a transgression against the will of God, and often held to require repentance? and penance?; in some theologies it may also entail the risk of damnation?.

There is a difference among Christians concerning the use of the word "sin". Protestants use it primarily to the inherently sinful nature of humans, and only secondarily to actual instances of sin; Catholics by contrast reserve the word sin only for actual instances of sin, calling the inherently sinful nature of humans concuspience?.

Original sin


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Last edited December 1, 2001 1:58 am by Egern (diff)