[Home]Seven Deadly Sins

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Changed: 1c1
Also known as the Seven Capital Vices, they were enumerated in their present form by Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. They are not considered sins per se, but rather attitudes or forms of behaviour that will lead to the tendency to sin.
Also known as the Seven Capital Vices, they were enumerated in their present form by Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Some may not consider them sins per se, rather attitudes or forms of behavior that will lead to the tendency to sin, but the [Catechism of the Catholic Church]? defines them as "capital sins which Christian experience has distinguished, following St. [John Cassian]? and [St. Gregory the Great]? (emphasis in the original)."

Changed: 8c8
*Sloth? -
*Sloth? or Acedia? -

Changed: 10c10
*Anger? or Wrath?

Changed: 12c12
There also the Four Cardinal Virtues.
There also the Four Cardinal Virtues and Three Theological Virtues.

Also known as the Seven Capital Vices, they were enumerated in their present form by Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Some may not consider them sins per se, rather attitudes or forms of behavior that will lead to the tendency to sin, but the [Catechism of the Catholic Church]? defines them as "capital sins which Christian experience has distinguished, following St. [John Cassian]? and [St. Gregory the Great]? (emphasis in the original)."

The Seven Deadly Sins are

There also the Four Cardinal Virtues and Three Theological Virtues.

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Last edited December 19, 2001 2:08 pm by The Epopt (diff)