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Added: 0a1
Periods of time in which is the year is divided, and that in places away from the equator are easily distinguished by changes in the weather and vegetation.

Changed: 2,4c3
Periods of time in which is the year is divided, and that in
places away from the equator are easily distinguished by
changes in the weather and vegetation.
The cause of the seasons is the inclination that the axis of the earth has respect to the axis of its orbit around the sun. As a consequence, the angle with which the sun's rays impact the surface of the earth varies with the position of the earth in its orbit. The rays lose more energy when they pass through the atmosphere longer distances.

Changed: 6,12c5
The cause of the seasons is the inclination that the axis of
the earth has respect to the axis of its orbit around the
sun. As a consequence, the angle with which the sun's rays
impact the surface of the earth varies with the position of the
earth in its orbit.

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(more later)

Periods of time in which is the year is divided, and that in places away from the equator are easily distinguished by changes in the weather and vegetation.

The cause of the seasons is the inclination that the axis of the earth has respect to the axis of its orbit around the sun. As a consequence, the angle with which the sun's rays impact the surface of the earth varies with the position of the earth in its orbit. The rays lose more energy when they pass through the atmosphere longer distances.

(more later)

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Last edited November 19, 2001 11:29 pm by 198.209.100.xxx (diff)