[Home]Queens soup

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Changed: 1c1
Zuppa Regina di Riso (Queen's Soup)
Queen's Soup, or Zuppa Regina di Riso, is a rice soup. One recipe is as follows.

Changed: 3,9c3,4
Ingredients: Fowl stock, ground rice, milk, butter.

Put a tablespoonful of ground rice into a saucepan and gradually
add half a pint of milk, boil it gently for twelve minutes in a
bainmarie, but stir the whole time, so as to get it very smooth.
Just before serving add an ounce of butter, pass it through a
sieve, and mix it with good fowl stock.

Zuppa Regina di Riso (Queen's Soup)

Changed: 11c6,24
See also: Wikipedia Cookbook.


* fowl stock
* ground rice, 1 tablespoon
* milk, 1/2 pint
* butter, 1 ounce


* saucepan
* bainmarie
* sieve


* Put a tablespoonful of ground rice into a saucepan
* Gradually add half a pint of milk
* Boil gently for twelve minutes in a bainmarie, stirring the whole time, until very smooth.
* Add an ounce of butter
* Pass through a sieve
* Mix in some good fowl stock
* Serve immediately

Removed: 14d26

Added: 20a33,34

See also: Wikipedia Cookbook.

Queen's Soup, or Zuppa Regina di Riso, is a rice soup. One recipe is as follows.

Zuppa Regina di Riso (Queen's Soup)




Source: ''The Cook's Decameron: A Study In Taste, Containing Over Two Hundred Recipes For Italian Dishes'' from a project that puts out-of-copyright texts into the public domain. This is from a *very* old source, and reflects the cooking at the turn of the last century. Update as necessary.

See also: Wikipedia Cookbook.

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Last edited December 16, 2001 10:10 am by Bignose (diff)