[Home]Pope John Paul I

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Added: 4a5,6
[The Godfather Part III]? featured a major plotline which depicted the Vatican Bank involved in organized crime, with various intrigues resulting in the assassination of John Paul I.

Changed: 6c8
:succeeded by Pope John Paul II (1978-present)
:succeeded by Pope John Paul II (1978-present)

Albino Luciani, pope (August 26 - September 28, 1978), took the name John Paul I. Born 1912, consecrated a bishop in 1958.

His quick death, despite his age, thrilled conspiracy theory mavens.

[The Godfather Part III]? featured a major plotline which depicted the Vatican Bank involved in organized crime, with various intrigues resulting in the assassination of John Paul I.

preceded by Pope Paul VI (1963-1978)
succeeded by Pope John Paul II (1978-present)

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Last edited November 2, 2001 12:47 am by Dmerrill (diff)