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Changed: 1c1
Plastic materials are synthetic petroleum derivatives. Plastics vary immensely in temperature tolerance, hardness, resiliency and so on. Due to this, plastics see use in almost all industrial applications today. All plastics are polymers.
1. See plasticity.

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History of plastics

Plastic gets its name from the thermoplastic properties of cellulose nitrate, the first synthetic polymer. While it has found uses as an explosive, it was also used as a replacement for ivory billiard? balls. Further development produced something less explosive, using acetic acid instead of nitric acid to form cellulose acetate, which is used in film.
2. See plastics.

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Chemical composition

Chemical compositions vary widely, but most common plastics are based on hydrocarbons extracted from oil.

Some famous plastics:
* Bakelite
* Polyurethane?
* Polyethene
* Teflon

see http://www.psrc.usm.edu/macrog/plastic.htm

1. See plasticity.

2. See plastics.

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Last edited October 4, 2001 10:54 pm by The Cunctator (diff)