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Aircraft spotting

This is a hobby involving the pursuit of different aircraft, gliders, powered aircraft, large balloons, airships, helicopters, microlights and, less probably, drones and hovercraft. The fun is in the identification of aircraft - their manufacturer, type and perhaps serial number - often in difficult circumstances (e.g. when at some distance or when obstructed by others or in darkness). Ancillary activities might include listening-in to air traffic transmissions (where that is legal), liaising with other "spotters" to clear up uncertainties as to what aircraft have been seen at specific times and/or in particular places, and the drawing, painting, filming, tape-recording or photographing of aircraft.

The more enthusiastic hobbyists might travel great distances in order to see particularly unusual aircraft, or even the remains of aircraft withdrawn from use. Some such "wrecks and relics" may eventually be placed in the care of museums - or perhaps be canibalised in order to repair a similar aircraft already preserved. Some spotters may go on to work in the aviation industry or air traffic control service. During the "cold war" some countries encouraged their populations to become "plane spotters" in an "observation corps" or similar public body for reasons of public security. Some spotters are quite competitive and may get a thrill from seeing, in due course, all the planes of a particular type ever built (or extant at that date). Spotters are generally well-aware of the hazards facing aviators and will stay alert when near active aerodromes, taking care not to interfere with aircraft or cause anxiety to their owners or users. Many airfields in Europe and north America recognise the public's interest in aviation as something to be encouraged and provide viewing areas in safe locations. Many organised airshows draw great crowds and some raise funds for charitable causes such as museums, organisations restoring historic planes or bodies that assist injured aircrew or the dependents of armed forces' personnel. Some shows have a more commercial motive, and some aircraft photographers can make a profit from their onetime hobby. The world wide web has provided a new outlet for some of their photographs and assists all spotters in letting each other know what is flying where.
These hobbies depend for their interest on items being observed. A knowledge of these items and their habitats will develop over time in the observer, who may draw upon the experiences of others as conveyed in books or websites or by word of mouth. Most such hobbies involve classification of the items seen, with the precision and reliability of such classifications generally increasing over time. Depending on the geographic dispersal of the creatures or things being observed, pursuit of the hobby might well require or entice travel. When spotting natural creatures an understanding of their migration patterns may be essential. Specific creatures may only be visible in particular places for example at certain times of the year. There are parallels in those hobbies relating to man-made items. International political events may sometimes generate a gathering of VIP aircraft for instance and an international football match may cause a sudden influx of charter airliners to the region where the match is played. There is likely to be a social aspect to such hobbies, as fellow enthusiasts will normally alert a hobbyist to forthcoming (or even current) opportunities to witness unusual items within the scope of the shared pastime. New technologies such as mobile telephones and the internet have clearly increased the opportunities for passing such information between fellow enthusiasts when it is timely.

These hobbies depend for their interest on items being observed. A knowledge of these items and their habitats will develop over time in the observer, who may draw upon the experiences of others as conveyed in books or websites or by word of mouth. Most such hobbies involve classification of the items seen, with the precision and reliability of such classifications generally increasing over time. Depending on the geographic dispersal of the creatures or things being observed, pursuit of the hobby might well require or entice travel. When spotting natural creatures an understanding of their migration patterns may be essential. Specific creatures may only be visible in particular places for example at certain times of the year. There are parallels in those hobbies relating to man-made items. International political events may sometimes generate a gathering of VIP aircraft for instance and an international football match may cause a sudden influx of charter airliners to the region where the match is played. There is likely to be a social aspect to such hobbies, as fellow enthusiasts will normally alert a hobbyist to forthcoming (or even current) opportunities to witness unusual items within the scope of the shared pastime. New technologies such as mobile telephones and the internet have clearly increased the opportunities for passing such information between fellow enthusiasts when it is timely.

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Last edited December 10, 2001 2:50 am by Themeweaver (diff)