[Home]Laeken European Council

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The Presidency Conclusions (currently available only in French) are available ([1]) from the Presidency website.
The Presidency Conclusions are available ([1]) from the Presidency website.

The Laeken European Council was held at the royal palace at [Laeken, Belgium]? on 14-15 December 2001.

About 80,000 people protested outside the European Council; some violence occured, with a small group of protestors throwing Molotov cocktails at Belgian police, although there was much less violence than there was at the Gothenburg European Council in July.

The main matters the Laeken European Council dealt with were:

The Presidency Conclusions are available ([1]) from the Presidency website.

The Laken Declaration on the Future of Europe is available in English ([2]) from the website of the Council of the European Union.

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Last edited December 20, 2001 3:22 pm by SJK (diff)