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Changed: 1c1
LAME is an open source MP3 (mpeg?-1 layer 3) audio compression application.
LAME is an open source MP3 (that is, MPEG-1 audio layer 3) audio compression application.

Changed: 5c5
* GNU = GNU's Not Unix
* GNU = GNU's Not Unix

Changed: 8c8,9
LAME endured some legal difficulties regarding Fraunhofer?'s patent on certain key algorithms involved in MP3 encoding. These patents were intended to prevent anyone from being able to create an MP3 encoder without paying licencing fees to Fraunhofer, something that is difficult to enforce for an open source program.
LAME endured some legal difficulties regarding Fraunhofer?'s patent on certain key algorithms involved in MP3 encoding, specifically U.S. Patent 5,579,430 and foreign counterparts.
These patents were intended to prevent anyone from being able to create an MP3 encoder without paying licensing fees to Fraunhofer, something that is difficult to enforce for an open source program whose users live in dozens of countries, many of which do not recognize patents on algorithms.

Changed: 10c11,17
LAME uses patches against the ISO demonstration source, which is distributed separately. That code is patented, and has a somewhat restrictive copyright, but is available for free (cost). Since that ISO code is only for non-commercial use, a license from Thomson Multimedia may be required.
At one time, LAME used patches against the ISO demonstration source, which is distributed separately.
That ISO code had a restrictive license and implemented some clearly patented algorithms but was available without charge.
However, in May 2000, the LAME project reimplemented the last of the ISO source code; compiling recent versions of LAME no longer requires the ISO source code.


*LAME website (http://www.mp3dev.org/mp3/)
*LAME source tarballs (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=290)

LAME is an open source MP3 (that is, MPEG-1 audio layer 3) audio compression application. LAME is an acronym that stands for LAME Aint an Mp3 Encoder.

This is in the tradition of many geek acronyms, including:

LAME endured some legal difficulties regarding Fraunhofer?'s patent on certain key algorithms involved in MP3 encoding, specifically U.S. Patent 5,579,430 and foreign counterparts. These patents were intended to prevent anyone from being able to create an MP3 encoder without paying licensing fees to Fraunhofer, something that is difficult to enforce for an open source program whose users live in dozens of countries, many of which do not recognize patents on algorithms.

At one time, LAME used patches against the ISO demonstration source, which is distributed separately. That ISO code had a restrictive license and implemented some clearly patented algorithms but was available without charge. However, in May 2000, the LAME project reimplemented the last of the ISO source code; compiling recent versions of LAME no longer requires the ISO source code.


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Last edited November 6, 2001 3:14 am by Damian Yerrick (diff)