[Home]Joseph DeLuca

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Changed: 1c1
Joseph DeLuca (???? - September 11, 2001). He was a member of the Northern New Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America where he performed race control.
Joseph DeLuca (???? - September 11, 2001), computer programmer. He lived in Roxbury, New Jersey where he worked for Warner Lambert for 23 years. Joseph was also an amateur cartoonist. He was a member of the Northern New Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America where he performed race control.

Changed: 3c3
DeLuca died in the crash of United Airlines flight 93 in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack. He was flying to California to tour the vineyards? with his girlfriend, Linda Gronlund. DeLuca and Gronlund had met through their SCCA memberships.
DeLuca died at 52 in the crash of United Airlines flight 93 in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack. He was flying to California to tour the vineyards? with his girlfriend, Linda Gronlund. DeLuca and Gronlund had met through their SCCA memberships.

Changed: 11c11,12
[Angry and Defiant, She Never Backed Down]
[Angry and Defiant, She Never Backed Down]

[2 Morris residents were on doomed Newark flight]

Joseph DeLuca (???? - September 11, 2001), computer programmer. He lived in Roxbury, New Jersey where he worked for Warner Lambert for 23 years. Joseph was also an amateur cartoonist. He was a member of the Northern New Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America where he performed race control.

DeLuca died at 52 in the crash of United Airlines flight 93 in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack. He was flying to California to tour the vineyards? with his girlfriend, Linda Gronlund. DeLuca and Gronlund had met through their SCCA memberships.

[Tributes and Comments]?

See September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack/Casualties.

External Links

[Angry and Defiant, She Never Backed Down]
[2 Morris residents were on doomed Newark flight]

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Last edited November 22, 2001 7:18 am by Jagged (diff)