[Home]J.G. Ballard

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Added: 5a6,9
:[/Terminal Beach]?
:[/Vermilion Sands]?
:[/High Rise]? -- part of so-called "dystopian trilogy" (w/ "Concrete Island" and "Crash")
:[/Concrete Island]?

Added: 6a11,14
:[/The Atrocity Exhibition]?
:[/Cocaine Nights]?
:[/Running Wild]?
:[/War Fever]? -- a compilation of essays and stories

James Graham Ballard (1930- ) British novelist remarkable for the range of genres of his novels - science fiction, modernistic art novel, and historical setting.


[/The Drowned World]?
[/The Crystal World]?
[/Terminal Beach]?
[/Vermilion Sands]?
[/High Rise]? -- part of so-called "dystopian trilogy" (w/ "Concrete Island" and "Crash")
[/Concrete Island]?
[/The Atrocity Exhibition]?
[/Cocaine Nights]?
[/Running Wild]?
[/War Fever]? -- a compilation of essays and stories
[/Empire of the Sun]? -- historical novel, based on his own adolescence in a Japanese P.O.W. camp in Shanghai?.

See also:

External links: http://directory.google.com/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Ballard,_J._G./

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Last edited December 11, 2001 5:44 am by Cpt (diff)