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The PIRA were a breakway from what was termed the "Old IRA" - a split that occurred due to differences in views about the justifiability of violence. John Lynch
The PIRA were a breakway from what was termed the "Old IRA" - a split that occurred due to differences in views about the justifiability of violence. John Lynch

I updated the PIRA node (and a few related ones) somewhat, with a note on the provisional/official split in both the political and military "wings". I'll leave the analysis of modern Irish and Northern Irish Parties to someone else.


Question: In the Provisional_Irish_Republican_Army node, the PIRA is described as having been founded in the 1960's.

But the IRA was founded in 1919. It conducted and arguably won a guerrilla war resulting in the formation of the Irish Free State. Now what I don't know is the relationship between this, if you will, "historical" IRA and the PIRA as described in its wiki node. Perhaps this is an ambiguity that should be cleared up some. I for one am somewhat confused by the PIRA node.

The PIRA were a breakway from what was termed the "Old IRA" - a split that occurred due to differences in views about the justifiability of violence. John Lynch

I updated the PIRA node (and a few related ones) somewhat, with a note on the provisional/official split in both the political and military "wings". I'll leave the analysis of modern Irish and Northern Irish Parties to someone else.


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Last edited July 25, 2001 10:24 pm by Paul (diff)