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I'm not sure - it may be impossible to say unless another one actually occured. It seems for the present we have emitted enough CO2 to make it less likely.

'A minor series of glaciations occurred from 460 to 430 million years ago. Two more extensive glaciations were from 350 million years before present to 250 million, and from 4 million years ago to about 10,000 years ago (the Pleistocene period).'

Isn't there general agreement that we're still in a "series of gaciation" - that is, an Ice Age? Glaciations have gome and gone regularly for the last 4 million years, and we're in between two now. As long as we're talking about "series of glaciations", I think the "to about 10k years ago" is misleading.

I'm not sure - it may be impossible to say unless another one actually occured. It seems for the present we have emitted enough CO2 to make it less likely.

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Last edited December 14, 2001 8:29 am by Hagedis (diff)