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Hispaniola is the second-largest island of the Antilles?, lying east of Cuba. Discovered by Columbus in 1492. Hispaniola was the first part of the Americans to be colonized by Spain, Columbus here building a colony in 1493.
Hispaniola is the second-largest island of the Antilles?, lying east of Cuba. Discovered by Columbus in 1492. Hispaniola was the first part of the Americans to be colonized by Spain, Columbus here building a colony in 1493.

Hispaniola is the second-largest island of the Antilles?, lying east of Cuba. Discovered by Columbus in 1492. Hispaniola was the first part of the Americans to be colonized by Spain, Columbus here building a colony in 1493.

The western part is now the country of Haiti, the rest the Dominican Republic.

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Last edited December 4, 2001 12:41 am by 200.191.188.xxx (diff)