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Changed: 3c3,5
By definition a national flag is the flag of a nation, not of a region, be it a subnational or supernational one. (i.e. the Union Jack is a national flag, but the flag of Scotland isn't a national flag, nor is the flag of the European Union a national flag.) -- SJK
By definition a national flag is the flag of a nation, not of a region, be it a subnational or supernational one. (i.e. the Union Jack is a national flag, but the flag of Scotland isn't a national flag, nor is the flag of the European Union a national flag.)

Also, we need a proper article on flags, not just a paragraph. -- SJK

Article said:
A national flag is one of the important official symbols of a nation or region.
By definition a national flag is the flag of a nation, not of a region, be it a subnational or supernational one. (i.e. the Union Jack is a national flag, but the flag of Scotland isn't a national flag, nor is the flag of the European Union a national flag.)

Also, we need a proper article on flags, not just a paragraph. -- SJK

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Last edited November 2, 2001 6:04 am by 137.111.13.xxx (diff)