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PS: Hopefully, we can soon get up to the level of depth Weisstein had
PS: Hopefully, we can soon get up to the level of depth Weisstein had

Ok. I would agree with that. But do you think that Wikipedia should define the same terms, i.e., if Eric has a definition of a certain mathematical concept then so should Wikipedia? Or should Wikipedia be more "course grained"? -- Jan Hidders

Should the three properties really be defined here or is it enough to refer to binary relation? Or should these properties have their own pages a la Eric Weisstein? -- Jan Hidders
I don't think the small amount of duplication is a problem, and it aids understanding.
 PS: Hopefully, we can soon get up to the level of depth Weisstein had

Ok. I would agree with that. But do you think that Wikipedia should define the same terms, i.e., if Eric has a definition of a certain mathematical concept then so should Wikipedia? Or should Wikipedia be more "course grained"? -- Jan Hidders

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Last edited July 14, 2001 1:39 am by Jan Hidders (diff)