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Should the attitude of Enid Blyton Ltd toward fan sites ("Shut down or we'll sue you, claiming copyright infringement and libel" even if the information is reasonably accurate, and works are used fairly) be documented?
--Damian Yerrick

We need some mention of educationalists disapproving of her books because they are so simple to read (though they have stories and are devoured by children).

And then there's the matter of recent reissues of Noddy, with an ethnically cleansed Toytown...

I used to love these books as a kid, particularly the Mystery ones. Although upon re-reading them as an adult they are terribly sexist and racist. Mark Jeays

Should the attitude of Enid Blyton Ltd toward fan sites ("Shut down or we'll sue you, claiming copyright infringement and libel" even if the information is reasonably accurate, and works are used fairly) be documented? --Damian Yerrick

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Last edited December 14, 2001 3:58 am by Damian Yerrick (diff)