[Home]Dilation and curettage

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first) and then restrained while his brains are removed by suction so that the skull may be crushed for easier extraction.
first) and then restrained while his (or its) brains are removed
by suction so that the skull may be crushed for easier

This is the standard gynaecological procedure referred to in Abortion wherein the unborn is cut into smaller pieces before removal from the womb, since by this time it (or he) is too large to be conviently extracted by suction.

In one variation of this procedure described as either "partial birth abortions" or "some late term abortions", the unborn is brought partially through the birth canal alive (feet first) and then restrained while his (or its) brains are removed by suction so that the skull may be crushed for easier extraction.

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Last edited July 17, 2001 7:27 pm by 208.254.218.xxx (diff)