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Changed: 1,7c1,2



[Turbo charger]?



A compressor takes in a gas and increases its pressure by squeezing a volume of it into a smaller volume. Heat is generated in the gas due to the ineffeciancy of the compressor.
Closely related to pumps.

Changed: 9,12c4
Takes in a gas and increases its pressure by squeezing a volume of it into a smaller volume.

Closely related to Pumps.

In so doing it increases the temperature of the gas.

There are many types of compressor:
There are many types of compressor:

Changed: 15c7

A compressor takes in a gas and increases its pressure by squeezing a volume of it into a smaller volume. Heat is generated in the gas due to the ineffeciancy of the compressor. Closely related to pumps.

There are many types of compressor:

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Last edited October 7, 2001 3:44 am by Travist (diff)