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In the politics of Germany, legislative branch, the Bundesrat (federal council) is the upper house of the bicameral federal parliament. The Bundesrat has 69 votes; governments of the 16 states (Bundesland) are directly represented by votes; each has 3 to 6 votes depending on population and are required to vote as a block. The lower house is called Bundestag.
In the politics of Germany, legislative branch, the Bundesrat (federal council) is the upper house of the bicameral federal parliament. The Bundesrat has 69 votes; governments of the 16 states (Bundesland) are directly represented by votes; each has 3 to 6 votes depending on population and are required to vote as a block. The lower house is called Bundestag.

In the politics of Germany, legislative branch, the Bundesrat (federal council) is the upper house of the bicameral federal parliament. The Bundesrat has 69 votes; governments of the 16 states (Bundesland) are directly represented by votes; each has 3 to 6 votes depending on population and are required to vote as a block. The lower house is called Bundestag.

See the Bundesrat's own website, http://www.bundesrat.de/

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Last edited September 11, 2001 1:39 am by Koyaanis Qatsi (diff)