[Home]Ashmore and Cartier Islands/Geography

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Difference (from prior minor revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Location: Southeastern Asia, islands in the Indian Ocean, northwest of Australia
Location: Southeastern Asia, islands in the Indian Ocean, northwest of Australia

Changed: 33c33
Natural resources: fish
Natural resources: fish

Removed: 49d48

Location: Southeastern Asia, islands in the Indian Ocean, northwest of Australia

Geographic coordinates: 12 14 S, 123 05 E

Map references: Southeast Asia


 note: includes Ashmore Reef (West, Middle, and East Islets) and Cartier Island

Area - comparative: about eight times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

Land boundaries: 0 km

Coastline: 74.1 km

Maritime claims:

Climate: tropical

Terrain: low with sand and coral

Elevation extremes:

Natural resources: fish

Land use:

Irrigated land: 0 sq km (1993)

Natural hazards: surrounded by shoals and reefs that can pose maritime hazards

Environment - current issues: NA

Geography - note: Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve established in August 1983

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Last edited July 29, 2001 7:50 am by 129.186.1.xxx (diff)