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ANDERIDA, an ancient Roman fort at Pevensey, near Eastbourne
in Sussex, England, built about A.D. 300 as part of a scheme
of land-defence against the Saxon pirates; repaired, probably
by the great Stilicho, about A.D. 400; and after the [[Norman
Conquest]] utilized by William the Conqueror for a Norman castle.
Its massive Roman enceinte still stands but little damaged.
Anderida is an ancient Roman fort at Pevensey, near Eastbourne in Sussex, England, built about A.D. 300 as part of a scheme of land-defense against the Saxon pirates; repaired, probably by the great Stilicho?, about A.D. 400; and after the [Norman Conquest]? utilized by William the Conqueror for a Norman castle. Its massive Roman enceinte still stands but little damaged.

Anderida is an ancient Roman fort at Pevensey, near Eastbourne in Sussex, England, built about A.D. 300 as part of a scheme of land-defense against the Saxon pirates; repaired, probably by the great Stilicho?, about A.D. 400; and after the [Norman Conquest]? utilized by William the Conqueror for a Norman castle. Its massive Roman enceinte still stands but little damaged.

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Last edited August 10, 2001 6:26 am by Lee Daniel Crocker (diff)