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Changed: 14c14
*Pope Stephen III crowns Pepin the short King of the Franks at St.-Denis outside Paris
*Pope Stephen III crowns Pepin the short King of the Franks at St.-Denis outside Paris; also dedicates the foundations of the new abbey church.

Year in Review 7th Century Year in Review 8th Century Year in Review 9th Century

Centuries: 7th century - 8th century - 9th century

Decades: 700s, 710s, 720s, 730s, 740s, 750s, 760s, 770s, 780s, 790s

Years: 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 749




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Last edited October 15, 2001 6:59 am by 205.232.67.xxx (diff)