[Home]12-step programs

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12-step programs are self-help groups whose members attempt recovery from various addictions and compulsion?s through the use of a plan referred to as the [12 Steps]?.
12-step programs are self-help groups whose members attempt recovery from various addictions and compulsion?s through the use of a plan referred to as the 12 steps.

12-step programs are self-help groups whose members attempt recovery from various addictions and compulsion?s through the use of a plan referred to as the 12 steps.

The first such program was Alcoholics Anonymous, which was begun in 1935.

Many other programs since have adapted the Steps to their own ends.

12-step programs:

Alcoholics Anonymous
[Debtors Anonymous]?
[Gamblers Anonymous]?
[Narcotics Anonymous]?
[Overeaters Anonymous]?
[Sex Addicts Anonymous]?

Related programs exist to help family and friends of those with addictions. These programs also follow modified versions of the 12 Steps.


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Last edited September 27, 2001 5:28 am by RjLesch (diff)