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Welcome Xaonon, and kudos for finding Greg Egan's superluminal applet, that's the clearest explaination I've seen yet of group velocity > c stuff. -- DrBob

Thanks. I found it a while ago just after (not surprisingly) the news stories first came out. You wouldn't believe how many people flooded into sci.physics asking whether FTL information transmission was possible...

:Welcome Xaonon, and kudos for finding Greg Egan's superluminal applet, that's the clearest explaination I've seen yet of group velocity > c stuff. -- DrBob

Thanks. I found it a while ago just after (not surprisingly) the news stories first came out. You wouldn't believe how many people flooded into sci.physics asking whether FTL information transmission was possible...

Pronounced like it's got a Z. See also [xaonon.cjb.net].

Welcome Xaonon, and kudos for finding Greg Egan's superluminal applet, that's the clearest explaination I've seen yet of group velocity > c stuff. -- DrBob

Thanks. I found it a while ago just after (not surprisingly) the news stories first came out. You wouldn't believe how many people flooded into sci.physics asking whether FTL information transmission was possible...

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Last edited November 10, 2001 12:24 pm by Xaonon (diff)