[Home]Wikipedia PHP script/The alt main script

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Showing revision 1
Difference (from revision 1 to revision 1) (minor diff)
(The revisions are identical or unavailable.)
The script below is wrapped with "pre" tags for display (remove them to use the script). Save it as wiki.php in a directory to get started.

see also [The mysql sql ddl]? and [The wiki stylesheet]?

###########  based on script by Magnus Manske
#              just a bit easier to set up on _your_ system
#              and just as GPL'ed as ever (see http://gnu.org/gpl)
####################################################################### Constant declarations

$db_user="mysqluser" ;
$db_passwd="mysqlpasswd" ;
$db_server="" ;
$db_name="my_sql_db" ;

$wiki_user="WIKI_user" ;
$wiki_cur="WIKI_cur" ;
$wiki_old="WIKI_old" ;

$wiki_php="wiki.php" ;
$wiki_upload="upload.php" ;
$wiki_title="PHP Wiki" ;

function getSecureTitle ( $s ) {
	$s=str_replace(" ","_",$s);
	return $s ;

function getDBconnection () {
	$connection=mysql_connect ( $GLOBALS['db_server'] , $GLOBALS['db_user'] , $GLOBALS['db_passwd'] ) ;
	return $connection ;

####################################################################### USER FUNCTIONS

function getCurrentUserName () {
	global $REMOTE_ADDR ;
	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN == "YES" ) return $USERNAME ;
	else return $REMOTE_ADDR ;

function doesUserExist ( $un ) {
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " WHERE user_name=\"$un\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) $ret = true ;
	else $ret = false ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $ret ;

function getUserSetting ( $un , $s ) {
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " WHERE user_name=\"$un\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$t = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$ret = $t->$s ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $ret ;

function changeUserSetting ( $un , $s , $v ) {
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " SET $s = \"$v\" WHERE user_name = \"$un\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

function checkUserPassword ( $un , $up ) {
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " WHERE user_name=\"$un\" AND user_password=\"$up\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
		setcookie ( "USERID" , "$s->user_id" ) ;
		$ret = true ;
	else $ret = false ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $ret ;

function addNewUser ( $un , $up , $ur ) {
	if ( doesUserExist ( $un ) ) return ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " (user_name, user_password, user_rights) VALUES (\"$un\", \"$up\", \"$ur\")" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " WHERE user_name=\"$un\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	setcookie ( "USERNAME" , "$s->user_name" ) ;
	setcookie ( "USERPASSWORD" , "$s->user_password" ) ;
	setcookie ( "USERID" , "$s->user_id" ) ;
	setcookie ( "USERLOGGEDIN" , "YES" ) ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

####################################################################### ARTICLE DATABASE INTERFACE

function acquireTopic ( $s ) {
	global $title ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " where cur_title='$s'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
		$title=$s->cur_title ;
		$s = $s->cur_text ;
	else {
		$s = "" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $s ;

function acquireOldTopic ( $s , $id ) {
	global $title ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_old'] . " where old_title='$title' and old_id=$id" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
		$title=$s->old_title ;
		$s = $s->old_text ;
	else {
		$s = "nothing available" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $s ;

function saveTopic ( $txt , $com , $min ) {
	global $title ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$txt = str_replace ( "\r" , "" , $txt ) ;

	$sql = "update " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " set cur_text='$txt' where cur_title='$title'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$sql = "update " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " set cur_comment='$com' where cur_title='$title'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$sql = "update " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " set cur_minor_edit=1 where cur_title='$title'" ;
	if ( $min == "on" ) $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$id = $USERID ;
	if ( $id == "" or $USERLOGGEDIN != "YES" ) $id = "0" ;
	$sql = "update " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " set cur_user='$id' where cur_title='$title'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$un = getCurrentUserName () ;
	$sql = "update " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " set cur_user_text='$un' where cur_title='$title'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

function addPlainTopic ( $t ) {
	global $title ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;

	$sql = "insert into " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " ( cur_title, cur_text ) VALUES ( '$t' , '' )" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

function backupTopic ( $t ) {
	global $title ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;

	# Reading current version
	$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " where cur_title='$t'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;

	$o_title = $s->cur_title ;
	$o_text = $s->cur_text ;
	$o_comment = $s->cur_comment ;
	$o_user = $s->cur_user ;
	$o_user_text = $s->cur_user_text ;
	$o_old_version = $s->cur_old_version ;
	$o_timestamp = $s->cur_timestamp ;
	$o_minor_edit = $s->cur_minor_edit ;

	$o_text = str_replace ( '"' , '\"' , $o_text ) ;

	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	# Adding data to "old" table
	$sql = "insert into " . $GLOBALS['wiki_old'] . " ( old_title, old_text , old_comment , old_user, old_user_text , old_old_version , old_timestamp , old_minor_edit ) VALUES ( \"$o_title\" , \"$o_text\" , \"$o_comment\" , \"$o_user\" , \"$o_user_text\" , \"$o_old_version\" , \"$o_timestamp\" , \"$o_minor_edit\" )" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	# Get old id
	$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_old'] . " where old_title='$o_title' and old_old_version='$o_old_version'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$n_old_version = $s->old_id ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	# Update current version
	$sql = "update " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " set cur_old_version='$n_old_version' where cur_title='$title'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;	

	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

function doesTopicExist ( $s ) {
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " where cur_title=\"$s\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) $ret = true ;
	else $ret = false ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $s ;

function getTopicSetting ( $tt , $s ) {
	$tt = getSecureTitle ( $tt ) ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " WHERE cur_title=\"$tt\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	if ( $t = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) $ret = $t->$s ;
	else $ret = "NOSUCHTHING" ; # This topic or property doesn't exist
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $ret ;

function changeTopicSetting ( $tt , $s , $v ) {
	$secureTitle = getSecureTItle ( $tt ) ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " SET $s = \"$v\" WHERE cur_title = \"$secureTitle\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

####################################################################### PARSER FUNCTIONS

function replaceAllEntries ( $s , $f1 , $f2 , $r1 , $r2 ) {
	while ( eregi($f1,$s) && eregi($f2,$s) ) {
		$middle=$pieces2[0] ;
	return $s ;

function parseContent ( $s ) {
	global $title ;
	$s = str_replace ( "\r" , "" , $s ) ;
	if ( !strpos ( $title , "/" ) and !strpos ( $s , "/Talk" ) ) $s .= "\n----\n[[/Talk]]" ;

	# Replace {{{variable}}}
	$var=date("m"); $s = str_replace ( "{{{CURRENTMONTH}}}" , $var , $s ) ;
	$var=date("F"); $s = str_replace ( "{{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}}" , $var , $s ) ;
	$var=date("d"); $s = str_replace ( "{{{CURRENTDAY}}}" , $var , $s ) ;
	$var=date("l"); $s = str_replace ( "{{{CURRENTDAYNAME}}}" , $var , $s ) ;
	$var=date("Y"); $s = str_replace ( "{{{CURRENTYEAR}}}" , $var , $s ) ;

	# Replace [[ and ]] with internal links
	while ( eregi($tag1,$s) && eregi($tag2,$s) ) {
		$middle=$pieces2[0] ;
		$original = $middle ;

		if ( strstr ( $middle , "|" ) ) { # show left part, link to right part
			$pos = strpos ( $middle , "|" ) ;
			$linkto = trim ( substr ( $middle , 0 , $pos ) ) ;
			$middle = trim ( substr ( $middle , $pos+1 , 9999 ) ) ;

		if ( substr($linkto,0,1)=="/" ) $linkto = $title.$linkto ;

		if ( substr_count ( $linkto , "/" ) < 2 ) {		
			if ( doesTopicExist($linkto) ) $middle="<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$linkto&action=view\">$middle</a>" ;
			else {
				if ( strstr($middle," ") ) $middle="[$middle]" ;
				$middle="$middle<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$linkto&action=edit\">?</a>" ;
			} else $middle = "$original" ;

	# Replace '''
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "\'\'\'" , "\'\'\'" , "<b>" , "</b>" ) ;

	# Replace ''
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "\'\'" , "\'\'" , "<i>" , "</i>" ) ;

	# Replace *
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "\n\*" , "\n" , "<ul><li>" , "</li></ul>\n" ) ;
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "<ul><li>\*" , "</li></ul>" , "<ul><li><ul><li>" , "</li></ul></li></ul>\n" ) ;
	$s = str_replace ( "</ul>\n" , "</ul>" , $s ) ;
	while ( strstr ( $s , "</li></ul><ul><li>" ) or strstr ( $s , "</li><li><ul>" ) ) {
		$s = str_replace ( "</li></ul><ul><li>" , "</li><li>" , $s ) ;
		$s = str_replace ( "</li><li><ul>" , "<ul>" , $s ) ;

	# Replace #
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "\n\#" , "\n" , "<ol><li>" , "</li></ol>\n" ) ;
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "<ol><li>\#" , "</li></ol>" , "<ol><li><ol><li>" , "</li></ol></li></ol>\n" ) ;
	$s = str_replace ( "</ol>\n" , "</ol>" , $s ) ;
	while ( strstr ( $s , "</li></ol><ol><li>" ) or strstr ( $s , "</li><li><ol>" ) ) {
		$s = str_replace ( "</li></ol><ol><li>" , "</li><li>" , $s ) ;
		$s = str_replace ( "</li><li><ol>" , "<ol>" , $s ) ;

	# Courier
	$s = replaceAllEntries ( $s , "\n " , "\n" , "\n <font face=\"courier\">" , "</font>\n" ) ;

	# Line by line
	$arr = explode ( "\n" , $s ) ;
	$narr = array () ;

	$dp = false ;
	foreach ( $arr as $x ) {
		$y = $x ;
		if ( substr ( $y , 0 , 4 ) == "http" ) $y = "<a href=\"$y\">$y</a>" ;
		if ( substr ( $y , 0 , 1 ) == ":" ) {
			$y = "<dt><dd>".substr ( $y , 1 , 99999 ) ;
			if ( !$dp ) $y = "<DL>".$y ;
			$dp = true ;
		} else if ( $dp ) {
			$y .= "</DL>" ;
			$dp = false ;
		if ( substr ( $y , 0 , 4 ) == "----" ) $y = "<hr>" ;
		if ( substr ( $y , 0 , 4 ) == "<hr>" ) $footnote = 1 ;

		# Outside links
		$footnote = 1 ;
		while ( eregi($tag1,$y) && eregi($tag2,$y) ) {
			$linkto=trim($pieces2[0]) ;

			if ( strpos ( $linkto , " " ) ) {
				$middle = substr ( $linkto , strpos ( $linkto , " " ) + 1 , 99999 ) ;
				$linkto = substr ( $linkto , 0 , strpos ( $linkto , " " ) ) ;
			} else {
				$middle = $footnote ;
				$footnote++ ;

			$y=$pieces1[0]."<a href=\"http://$linkto\">[$middle]</a>".$pieces2[1];

		if ( $y == "" ) $y = "</p><p>" ;
		array_push ( $narr , $y ) ;

	$s = implode ( "\n" , $narr ) ;
	# Final
	$s = "<p>$s</p>" ;
	$s = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">".$s ;

	return $s ;

function getCurrentUserText () {
	global $REMOTE_ADDR ;
#	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN != "YES" and $USERNAME != "" and $USERPASSWORD != "" ) {
#		if ( checkUserPassword ( $USERNAME , $USERPASSWORD ) ) setcookie ( "USERLOGGEDIN" , "YES" ) ;
#		}
	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN != "YES" or $USERNAME == "" ) {
		$u = "$REMOTE_ADDR<br>\n<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=login\">log in</a>" ;
	else {
		$u = "$USERNAME<br>\n<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=logout\">log out</a>" ;
		$u .= " <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=prefs\">Preferences</a>" ;
	return $u ;


function canEdit( $tt ) {
	global $USERNAME , $USERLOGGEDIN , $action ;
	$restrictions = getTopicSetting ( $tt , "cur_restrictions" ) ;
	if ( $restrictions == "" ) return true ; # No restrictions, OK to edit for everyone
	if ( $restrictions == "NOSUCHTHING" ) {
		$stt = strtolower ( $tt ) ;
		if ( $stt == "recentchanges" ) return false ;
		if ( $action == "revisions" ) return false ;
		if ( $action == "statistics" ) return false ;
		if ( $action == "restrictions" ) return false ;
		if ( $action == "prefs" ) return false ;
		return true ; # New topic
	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN != "YES" ) return false ; # Restrictions, but not logged in -> No edit, bad dog!
	$resArr = explode ( "," , $restrictions ) ;
	$rights = ",".getUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_rights" )."," ;

	$allowed = false ;
	foreach ( $resArr as $x ) {
		$y = ",is_$x," ;
		if ( strstr ( $rights , $y ) ) $allowed = true ;
	return $allowed ;

function canRestrict ( $tt ) {
	global $USERNAME , $USERLOGGEDIN , $dosearch ;
	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN != "YES" ) return false ; # Not logged in
	if ( $dosearch == 1 ) return false ; # Search page
	if ( !doesTopicExist ( $tt ) ) return false ; # No such topic
	$rights = ",".getUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_rights" )."," ;
	$allowed = false ;
	if ( strstr ( $rights , ",is_editor," ) ) $allowed = true ;
	if ( strstr ( $rights , ",is_sysop," ) ) $allowed = true ;
	return $allowed ;


function getHeaderFooterParts () {
	global $title , $action , $oid ;
	global $USERNAME ;

	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	$ret = "" ;
	$special = false ;
	if ( $title == "recentchanges" ) $special = true ;
	if ( $action == "revisions" or $action == "statistics" or $action == "restrictions" ) $special = true ;
	if ( $action == "prefs" or $action == "edituserrights" ) $special = true ;

	$ret .= "<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=MainPage&action=view\">Main page</a> | " ;
	$ret .= "<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=recentchanges&action=view\">Recent changes</a>" ;
	if ( !$special ) $ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=revisions\">Other versions</a>" ;
	if ( !$special and strstr ( $title , "/" ) ) {
		$parent = substr($title , 0 , strrpos($title,"/")) ;
		$sparent = getSecureTitle ( $parent ) ;
		$ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$sparent&action=view\">$parent</a>" ;

	if ( $action == "view" and !$special and canEdit($title) ) $ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=edit\">Edit this page</a>" ;
	if ( $action == "view_old_article" ) $ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=view_old_source&oid=$oid\">View this source</a>" ;
	if ( $action == "view_old_source" ) $ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=view_old_article&oid=$oid\">View this article</a>" ;
	$ret .= " | <a href=\"./" . $GLOBALS['wiki_upload'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">Upload files</a>" ;
	if ( $action != "statistics" ) $ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=statistics\">Statistics</a>" ;

	if ( !$special and canRestrict($title) ) $ret .= " | <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=restrictions\">Change restrictions</a>" ;

	return $ret ;

function getStandardHeader () {
	global $title , $action , $oid ;
	global $USERNAME ;
	$special = false ;
	if ( $title == "recentchanges" ) $special = true ;
	if ( $action == "revisions" or $action == "statistics" or $action == "restrictions" ) $special = true ;
	if ( $action == "prefs" or $action == "edituserrights" ) $special = true ;

	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	$hversion = "" ;
	if ( $action == "view_old_article" or $action == "view_old_source" ) $hversion = " (Older version)" ;

	$userName = getCurrentUserText () ;

	$hpre = "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td><h1>" ;
	$hpost = "</h1></td><td align=right><p class=\"user\">User : $userName</p></td></tr></table>" ;

	if ( $action == "view" or $action == "view_old_article" or $action == "view_old_source" or $special ) {
		if ( $title == "recentchanges" ) $thebody = "Recent Changes" ;
		else if ( $action == "revisions" ) $thebody = "History of $title" ;
		else if ( $action == "statistics" ) $thebody = "Statistics (".date("l, F d, Y H:i:s").", PST)" ;
		else if ( $action == "edituserrights" ) $thebody = "Edit user access rights here" ;
		else if ( $action == "restrictions" ) $thebody = "Restrictions of $title" ;
		else if ( $action == "prefs" ) $thebody = "Preferences for $USERNAME" ;
		else $thebody = "<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?$action=search&search=$secureTitle&dosearch=1\">$title</a>$hversion" ;
		$head = $hpre.$thebody.$hpost ;
	} else if ( $action == "edit" or $action == "preview" ) {
		$head = $hpre."Editing $title".$hpost ;

	$head .= getHeaderFooterParts() ;
	$head .= "<hr>" ;
	return $head ;

function getStandardFooter () {
	$ret = "<FORM><hr>" ;
	$ret .= getHeaderFooterParts () ;
	$ret .= "<br>Search: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=search SIZE=20><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=dosearch VALUE=1></FORM>" ;
	return $ret ;

function restrictions () {
	global $title , $therestrictions ;
	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	if ( !canRestrict ( $title ) ) return "You are not allowed to restrict this article. Follow <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle\">this link</a> to go back." ;

	if ( isset ( $therestrictions ) ) {
		changeTopicSetting ( $title , "cur_restrictions" , $therestrictions ) ;
		$ret="<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"0; URL=" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$title&action=view\">" ;
		unset ( $therestrictions ) ;
	} else {
		$ret = "" ;
		$ret .= getStandardHeader () ;
		$r = getTopicSetting ( $title , "cur_restrictions" ) ;
		$ret .= "<FORM action=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$title&action=restrictions\" method=post>\n" ;
		$ret .= "Restrictions : <INPUT TABINDEX=1 TYPE=text NAME=therestrictions VALUE=\"$r\" SIZE=80><br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=changeprefs value=\"Save new restrictions\">\n" ;
		$ret .= "</FORM>\n" ;

	return $ret ;


function view () {
	global $title , $action ;

	$content = acquireTopic ( $title ) ;
	$content = parseContent ( $content ) ;

	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	$head = getStandardHeader () ;
	$content = $head.$content."\n" ;
	$content .= getStandardFooter () ;
	return $content ;

function view_old_article ( $mode="parsed" ) {
	global $title , $action , $oid ;
	if ( $oid == "" ) return "NO OID GIVEN" ;

	$content = acquireOldTopic ( $title , $oid ) ;
	if ( $mode == "parsed" )
		$content = parseContent ( $content ) ;
	else if ( $mode == "source" )
		$content = "<textarea name=newtext rows=20 cols=65 STYLE=\"width:100%\" wrap=virtual>$content</textarea>" ;

	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	$head = getStandardHeader () ;

	$content = $head.$content ;
	$content .= "\n<hr>\n" ;

	return $content ;

function edit () {
	global $title , $action ;
	global $newtext , $comment , $recent_edit ;

	if ( ! $comment ) $comment = "*" ;
	if ( $recent_edit ) $recent_edit = "on" ;
	else $recent_edit = "off" ;

	$realTitle=$title ;
	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;

	# Checking clearance
	if ( !canEdit($title) ) return "You are not allowed to edit this article. Follow <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle\">this link</a> to go back." ;

	if ( $newtext ) {
		$content = $newtext ;
		$content = str_replace ( "\\\"" , "\"" , $content ) ;
		$content = str_replace ( "\\'" , "'" , $content ) ;
	else $content = acquireTopic ( $title ) ;

	$content = str_replace ( "\r" , "" , $content ) ;

	$source = $content ;

	$head = getStandardHeader () ;
	$head .= "<form action=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$title&action=edited\" method=post>\n";

	if ( $content == "" ) $content = "Describe the new page here.\n" ;

	$content =  "<textarea name=newtext rows=20 cols=65 STYLE=\"width:100%\" wrap=virtual>$content</textarea><br>\n" ;

	$content .= "Summary:<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=comment VALUE=\"$comment\" SIZE=60 MAXLENGTH=200><br>\n" ;
	$content .= "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=\"minor_edit\" VALUE=\"on\">This change is a minor edit.<br>\n" ;
	$content .= "<input type=submit name=save value=\"Save changes\">\n" ;
	$content .= "<input type=submit name=preview value=\"Preview changes\">\n" ;

	$content .= "</form>\n" ;

	if ( $action=="preview" ) {
		$source = parseContent ( $source ) ; 
		$content .= "<hr>\n" ;
		$content .= "<font size=\"+3\">PREVIEW</font><br><br>\n" ;
		$content .= $source ;
		$content .= "\n<hr><b>Remember, this is just a preview!</b>\n" ;

	unset ( $recent_edit ) ;
	unset ( $comment ) ;
	unset ( $newtext ) ;

	$content = $head.$content ;
	return $content ;

function edited () {
	global $action , $preview , $title , $save ;
	global $newtext , $comment , $minor_edit ;

	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	# Checking clearance
	if ( !canEdit($title) ) return "You are not allowed to edit this article. Follow <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle\">this link</a> to go back." ;

	if ( doesTopicExist ( $title ) ) {
		# Backup old version
		backupTopic ( $title ) ;
	} else {
		# New topic
		addPlainTopic ( $title ) ;
	saveTopic ( $newtext , $comment , $minor_edit ) ;

	unset ( $preview ) ;
	unset ( $newtext ) ;
	unset ( $save ) ;

	$action="view" ;
	$ret="<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"0; URL=" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$title&action=view\">" ;
	return $ret ;

function MySQLtimestamp ( $edit_time ) {
	$qh = substr ( $edit_time ,  8 , 2 ) ;
	$qm = substr ( $edit_time , 10 , 2 ) ;
	$qs = substr ( $edit_time , 12 , 2 ) ;
	$qo = substr ( $edit_time ,  4 , 2 ) ;
	$qd = substr ( $edit_time ,  6 , 2 ) ;
	$qy = substr ( $edit_time ,  0 , 4 ) ;
	$edit_time = date ( "F d, Y, H:i:s" , mktime ( $qh , $qm , $qs , $qo , $qd , $qy ) ) ;
	if ( $edit_time == "" ) $edit_time = "<unknown>" ;
	return $edit_time ;

function currentMySQLtime () {
	return date ( "YmdHis" ) ;


function showRecentChanges () {
	global $title ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " ORDER BY cur_timestamp DESC LIMIT 100" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$output .= getStandardHeader () ;

	$output .= "<table width=\"100%\" border=1>\n" ;
	$output .= "<tr><th width=150 nowrap>Title</th><th width=180 nowrap>Other Version</th><th width=180 nowrap>Time</th><th>User</th><th>Last comment</th></tr>";
	while ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
		$edit_time = MySQLtimestamp ( $s->cur_timestamp ) ;
		$comment=$s->cur_comment ;
		if ( $s->cur_minor_edit == 1 ) $comment = "<i>[edit]</i> ".$comment ;
		$cuser=$s->cur_user_text ;
		if ( $cuser == "" ) $cuser = "<unknown>" ;
		$output .= "<tr>" ;
		$output .= "<td width=150 nowrap><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=view\">$s->cur_title</a></td>";
		$output .= "<td width=180 nowrap><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=revisions\">Other versions of this article</a>" ;
		$output .= "<td width=180 nowrap>$edit_time</td>" ;
		$output .= "<td width=120 nowrap>$cuser</td>" ;
		$output .= "<td>$comment</td>" ;
		$output .= "</tr>\n" ;
	$output .= "</table>\n" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $output ;

function revisions () {
	global $title ;
	if ( !doesTopicExist ( $title ) ) return "There is no topic $title." ;
	$ret .= getStandardHeader () ;

	$stitle=$s ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " where cur_title='$stitle'" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$id = $s->cur_id ;
	$next = $s->cur_old_version ;
	$comment = $s->cur_comment ;
	$user_text = $s->cur_user_text ;
	$edit_time = $s->cur_timestamp ;
	$release = "current" ;
	$ret .= "<table width=\"100%\" border=1>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<tr><th nowrap width=60><center><b>History</b></center></th>";
	$ret .= "<th nowrap width=10><b>Article</b></th>" ;
	$ret .= "<th nowrap width=10><b>Source</b></th>" ;
	$ret .= "<th nowrap width=10><b>User</b></th>" ;
	$ret .= "<th nowrap width=10><b>Time</b></th>" ;
	$ret .= "<th nowrap width=\"100%\"><b>Comment</b></th>" ;
	$ret .= "</tr>\n" ;
	do {
		$oid = $next ;
		if ( $release == "current" ) $oid = $release ;

		$edit_time = MySQLtimestamp ( $edit_time ) ;

		if ( $user_text == "" ) $user_text = "<unknown>" ;
		$ret .= "<tr>" ;
		$ret .= "<td nowrap><center>$release</center></td>" ;
		$ret .= "<td nowrap><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$title&action=view_old_article&oid=$oid\">Go to this article version</a></td>";
		$ret .= "<td nowrap><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$title&action=view_old_source&oid=$oid\">Go to this source version</a></td>";
		$ret .= "<td nowrap>$user_text</td>" ;
		$ret .= "<td nowrap>$edit_time</td>" ;
		$ret .= "<td>$comment</td>" ;
		$ret .= "</tr>\n" ;

		if ( $release != "current" ) $next = $s->old_old_version ;
		if ( $release == "current" ) $release = 0 ;
		$release = $release + 1 ;
		if ( $next != 0 ) {
			mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
			$sql = "select * from " . $GLOBALS['wiki_old'] . " where old_id=$next" ;
			$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
			$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
			$comment = $s->old_comment ;
			$user_text = $s->old_user_text ;
			$edit_time = $s->old_timestamp ;
		} while ( $next != 0 ) ;
	$ret .= "</table>\n" ;
	$ret .= getStandardFooter () ;

	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	return $ret ;

function doSearch () {
	global $search ;

	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " WHERE cur_text LIKE \"%$search%\" OR cur_title LIKE \"%$search%\" ORDER BY cur_title" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;

	$output="<h1>Search results</h1>\n";
	$output .= getStandardHeader () ;
	$output .= "<br><table width=\"100%\" border=1>\n" ;
	$output .= "<tr><th width=150 nowrap>Title</th><th width=180 nowrap>Other Version</th><th width=180 nowrap>Time</th><th>User</th><th>Last comment</th></tr>";
	while ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
		$edit_time = MySQLtimestamp ( $s->cur_timestamp ) ;
		$comment=$s->cur_comment ;
		if ( $s->cur_minor_edit == 1 ) $comment = "<i>[edit]</i> ".$comment ;
		$cuser=$s->cur_user_text ;
		if ( $cuser == "" ) $cuser = "<unknown>" ;
		$output .= "<tr>" ;
		$output .= "<td width=150 nowrap><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=view\">$s->cur_title</a></td>";
		$output .= "<td width=180 nowrap><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?title=$secureTitle&action=revisions\">Other versions of this article</a>" ;
		$output .= "<td width=180 nowrap>$edit_time</td>" ;
		$output .= "<td width=120 nowrap>$cuser</td>" ;
		$output .= "<td>$comment</td>" ;
		$output .= "</tr>\n" ;
	$output .= "</table>\n" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;

	$output .= getStandardFooter () ;
	return $output ;

function login () {
	$ret = "<font size=\"+3\">Log in</font><hr>\n" ;
	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN == "YES" ) $ret .= "$USERNAME, you are already logged in!<br>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<FORM action=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=loginattempt\" method=post><font face=courier>\n" ;
	$ret .= "Your current user name : <INPUT TABINDEX=1 TYPE=text NAME=user_name VALUE=\"$USERNAME\" SIZE=20><br>\n" ;

	if ( !doesUserExist($USERNAME) ) $pwd = "" ;

	$ret .= "Your current password  : <INPUT TABINDEX=2 TYPE=password NAME=user_password VALUE=\"$pwd\" SIZE=20><br>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<INPUT TABINDEX=3 TYPE=checkbox NAME=user_remember_password>Remember my password (as a cookie).<br>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<input TABINDEX=4 type=submit name=dologin value=\"Log in\">\n" ;
	$ret .= "</font></FORM>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<hr>Return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a> without logging in" ;

	return $ret ;

function loginattempt () {
	global $user_name , $user_password , $user_remember_password , $newuser ;
	if ( $newuser == "YES" and !doesUserExist ( $user_name ) ) {
		addNewUser ( $user_name , $user_password , "" ) ;
		$ret .= "Congratulations, $user_name! You were added to the user list.<br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "Check your preferences <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=prefs\">here</a>!<br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "Or go directly to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>.\n" ;
	} else if ( checkUserPassword ( $user_name , $user_password ) ) { # Correct log-in
		setcookie ( "USERNAME" , $user_name ) ;
		if ( $user_remember_password == "on" ) setcookie ( "USERPASSWORD" , $user_password ) ;
		else setcookie ( "USERPASSWORD" , "" ) ;
		setcookie ( "USERLOGGEDIN" , "YES" ) ;
		$ret .= "$USERNAME, you have been successfully logged in!<br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "<hr>Return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>" ;
	} else { #Wrong log-in
		$ret .= "Sorry, your login was incorrect. You can :<br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "- <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=login\">Try again</a>.<br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "- Go to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a> without logging in.<br>\n" ;
		if ( !doesUserExist ( $user_name ) ) {
			$ret .= "- Create a new user \"$user_name\", with the password \"$user_password\"." ;
			$ret .= "<FORM action=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=loginattempt\" method=post>\n" ;
			$ret .= "<input type=submit name=createnewuser value=\"Create user $user_name\">\n" ;
			$ret .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=user_name VALUE=\"$user_name\">\n" ;
			$ret .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=user_password VALUE=\"$user_password\">\n" ;
			$ret .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=newuser VALUE=\"YES\">\n" ;
			$ret .= "</FORM>\n" ;
	unset ( $newuser ) ;
	return $ret ;

function logout () {
	setcookie ( "USERLOGGEDIN" , "NO" ) ;
	$ret = "<font size=\"+3\">Goodbye, $USERNAME!</font><br>\n" ;
	$ret .= "Return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>" ;
	return $ret ;

function prefs () {
	global $changeprefs , $u_email , $u_password ;
	if ( $USERLOGGEDIN != "YES" ) return "You are not logged in. <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=login\">Log in</a> or return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>" ;
	$ret = getStandardHeader () ;

	if ( $changeprefs ) { # Save new settings
		changeUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_email" , $u_email ) ;
		changeUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_password" , $u_password ) ;
		$ret .= "Settings are changed.<br>\n" ;

	$uemail = getUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_email" ) ;
	$ur = getUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_rights" ) ;
	$ret .= "<font face=courier>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<FORM action=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=prefs\" method=post>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<p>Your user ID  : $USERID</p>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<p>Your rights   : $ur</p>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<p>Your email    : <INPUT TABINDEX=1 TYPE=text NAME=u_email VALUE=\"$uemail\" SIZE=20></p>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<p>Your password : <INPUT TABINDEX=1 TYPE=text NAME=u_password VALUE=\"$USERPASSWORD\" SIZE=20></p>\n" ;
	$ret .= "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=changeprefs value=\"Save settings\">\n" ;
	$ret .= "</FORM>\n" ;
	$ret .= "</font>\n" ;

	$rights = ",".getUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_rights" )."," ;
	if ( strstr ( $rights , ",is_editor" ) or strstr ( $rights , ",is_sysop" ) ) {
		$ret .= "<hr><font color=red>You are allowed to <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=editUserRights\">edit user rights</a>!</font>" ;

	$ret .= getStandardFooter () ;

	return $ret ;

function editUserRights () {
	global $title , $editusername , $newuserrights , $USERLOGGEDIN , $USERNAME ;
	$secureTitle = getSecureTitle ( $title ) ;
	if ( !$USERLOGGEDIN ) return "You are not logged in. <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=login\">Log in</a> or return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>" ;

	$rights = ",".getUserSetting ( $USERNAME , "user_rights" )."," ;
	if ( strstr ( $rights , ",is_editor," ) or strstr ( $rights , ",is_sysop" ) ) $isEditor = true ;
	else $isEditor = false ;
	if ( strstr ( $rights , ",is_sysop," ) or strstr ( $rights , ",is_sysop" ) ) $isSysop = true ;
	else $isSysop = false ;
	if ( !$isSysop and !isEditor ) return "You are neither an editor nor a sysop. Return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>" ;

	$ret = "" ;
	if ( isset ( $editusername ) ) {
		if ( isset ( $newuserrights ) ) {
			changeUserSetting ( $editusername , "user_rights" , $newuserrights ) ;
			$ret="<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"0; URL=" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=prefs\">" ;
		} else {
		$ret .= getStandardHeader () ;
		$ret .= "<font size=\"+2\">Editing rights of user $editusername</font><br>" ;
		$r = getUserSetting ( $editusername , "user_rights" ) ;
		$ret .= "<FORM action=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=editUserRights&editusername=$editusername\" method=post>\n" ;
		$ret .= "User rights : <INPUT TABINDEX=1 TYPE=text NAME=newuserrights VALUE=\"$r\" SIZE=80><br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=changeprefs value=\"Save new user rights\">\n" ;
		$ret .= "</FORM>\n" ;
		unset ( $editusername ) ;
		unset ( $newuserrights ) ;
	} else {
		$ret .= getStandardHeader () ;
		$connection=getDBconnection() ;
		mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] ;
		if ( !$isSysop ) $sql .= " WHERE user_rights NOT LIKE \"is_sysop\"" ;
		$sql .= " ORDER BY user_name" ;
		$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
		while ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
			$t = $s->user_name ;
			$t = "<a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "?action=editUserRights&editusername=$t\">$t</a>" ;
			$ret .= "Edit the rights of $t ($s->user_rights)<br>\n" ;
		mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
		mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
		$ret .= getStandardFooter () ;

	return $ret ;

function statistics () {
	$ret = getStandardHeader () ;
	$connection=getDBconnection() ;
	mysql_select_db ( $GLOBALS['db_name'] , $connection ) ;
	$ret = getStandardHeader() ;
	$ret .= "<h2>Article statistics</h2><ul>" ;

	$nf1 = "<font color=red><b>" ;
	$nf2 = "</b></font>" ;

	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM ". $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$totalPages = $s->number ;
	$ret .= "<li>There are $nf1$totalPages$nf2 pages in the database</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	# /TALK
	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " WHERE cur_title LIKE \"%/Talk\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$talkPages = $s->number ;
	$ret .= "<li>There are $nf1$talkPages$nf2 <b>/Talk</b> pages</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	# , NOT /TALK
	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " WHERE cur_title NOT LIKE \"%/Talk\" AND cur_text LIKE \"%,%\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$commaPages = $s->number ;
	$ret .= "<li>There are $nf1$commaPages$nf2 with a comma that are <i>not</i> <b>/Talk</b> pages</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " WHERE cur_title NOT LIKE \"%/Talk\" AND cur_title LIKE \"%ikipedia%\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$wikiPages = $s->number ;
	$ret .= "<li>There are $nf1$wikiPages$nf2 that have \"ikipedia\" in the title and are <i>not</i> <b>/Talk</b> pages</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_cur'] . " WHERE cur_title LIKE \"%/%\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$subPages = $s->number - $talkPages;
	$ret .= "<li>There are $nf1$subPages$nf2 subpages that are <i>not</i> <b>/Talk</b> pages</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	$x = $commaPages - $wikiPages ; # Comma (no /Talk) - wiki pages = articles, including subpages
	$ret .= "<li>That means there are about $nf1$x$nf2 articles, including subpages (except <b>/Talk</b>).</li>" ;
	$y = $x - $subPages ;
	$ret .= "<li>Or, there are about $nf1$y$nf2 articles, not counting any subpages!</li>" ;
	$z = $totalPages - $talkPages - $commaPages ;
	$ret .= "<li>Finally, there are about $nf1$z$nf2 junk pages :-(</li>" ;

	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_old'] ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$oldPages = $s->number - $talkPages;
	$p = round ( $oldPages / $totalPages , 2 ) ;
	$ret .= "<li>And, there are $nf1$oldPages$nf2 old page versions in the database, giving an average of $p old pages on every active page.</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	$ret .= "</ul><hr>" ;
	$ret .= "<h2>User statistics</h2><ul>" ;
	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$numUser = $s->number ;
	$ret .= "<li>There are currently $nf1$numUser$nf2 users signed up.</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM " . $GLOBALS['wiki_user'] . " WHERE user_rights LIKE \"%is_editor%\" OR user_rights LIKE \"%is_sysop%\"" ;
	$result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
	$s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
	$numEditors = $s->number ;
	$ret .= "<li>$nf1$numEditors$nf2 of them have editor or sysop status.</li>" ;
	mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;

	mysql_close ( $connection ) ;
	$ret .= "</ul>" ;
	$ret .= getStandardFooter () ;
	return $ret ;

    //print ("\t<!-- foo ! -->\n");

	global $title , $action , $doSearch ;
	if ( $title == "" ) $title="MainPage" ;
	if ( $action == "" ) $action = "view" ;
	$action = strtolower ( $action ) ;

	if ( $action == "edited" && $preview ) $action="preview" ;
	unset ( $preview ) ;

	if ( $action == "view_old_article" and $oid == "current" ) $action = "view" ;
	if ( $action == "view_old_source" and $oid == "current" ) $action = "edit" ;
	if ( $dosearch == 1 ) $action = "search" ;

	if ( $ltitle=="recentchanges" ) $ret = showRecentChanges() ;
	else if ( $dosearch == 1 ) $ret = doSearch () ;
	else if ( $action == "statistics" ) $ret = statistics() ;
	else if ( $action == "restrictions" ) $ret = restrictions() ;
	else if ( $action == "edituserrights" ) $ret = editUserRights() ;
	else if ( $action == "prefs" ) $ret = prefs() ;
	else if ( $action == "login" ) $ret = login() ;
	else if ( $action == "loginattempt" ) $ret = loginattempt() ;
	else if ( $action == "logout" ) $ret = logout() ;
	else if ( $action == "view" ) $ret = view() ;
	else if ( $action == "edit" ) $ret = edit() ;
	else if ( $action == "preview" ) $ret = edit() ;
	else if ( $action == "edited" ) $ret = edited() ;
	else if ( $action == "revisions" ) $ret = revisions() ;
	else if ( $action == "view_old_article" ) $ret = view_old_article( "parsed" ) ;
	else if ( $action == "view_old_source" ) $ret = view_old_article( "source" ) ;
	else { # No valid action!
		$ret = "<font size=\"+4\">ILLEGAL COMMAND!</font><br>\n" ;
		$ret .= "Return to the <a href=\"" . $GLOBALS['wiki_php'] . "\">Main Page</a>" ;
	print "<html>\n<head>\n";
    print "<title>$wiki_title</title>\n" ;
    print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/wiki.css\">\n" ;
    print "</head>\n<body>" ;
	echo $ret ;
    print "</body>\n</html>\n" ;
	unset ( $oid ) ;
	unset ( $doSearch ) ;
	unset ( $editusername ) ;

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Edited August 29, 2001 5:34 am by 12.9.138.xxx (diff)