[Home]Titius-Bode law

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Changed: 3,4c3,4
It was discovered in XVIII century by Titius and "published"
by Bode, thus the name.
It was discovered in 1766 by [Daniel Titius]? and "published"
in 1772 by Johann Elert Bode, thus the name.

Changed: 6c6
It states that the mean distance a of the planet from the Sun is in astronomical units:
It states that the mean distance a of the planet from the Sun is in astronomical units:

Changed: 22c22



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Changed: 46,48c46,48
  • There is no planet between Mars and Jupiter. However there exists the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
    (The first Asteroid. Ceres being discovered by Piazzi in 1801 with a mean distance of 2.77 a.u.)
  • There is no place for Neptune
  • There is no planet between Mars and Jupiter. However there exists the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
    (The first Asteroid. Ceres being discovered by Piazzi? in 1801 with a mean distance of 2.77 a.u.)
  • There is no place for Neptune

  • Changed: 55,56c55,56
    Here you can find a plot of this law against real planet distances:
    Here is a plot of this law against real planet distances:

    Changed: 58c58
    There is no theoretical explenation of the Titius-Bode law,
    There is no solid theoretical explanation of the Titius-Bode law,

    Changed: 60c60
    or a more fundamental cosmogonical rule.
    or a more fundamental cosmological rule.

    Changed: 62,64c62,70
    Recent discoveries of extrasolar planetary systems indicate
    that some form of this rule may be present universally. The
    evidence is too weak to draw any strong conclusions.
    Currently the most likely explanation is that orbital resonance from major orbiting
    bodies create regions around the Sun that is free of long-term stable orbits.
    Results from simulation of planetary formation seem to support that laws like the
    Titus-Bode law indeed is a natural consequence of planetary formation, according
    to the current theories in this area.

    Recent discoveries of extrasolar planetary systems also indicate
    that some form of this rule may be present universally, but the
    evidence is still too weak to draw any strong conclusions.

    Titius-Bode Law or Rule is the observation that orbits of planets in the solar system follow a simple arithmetic rule quite closely.

    It was discovered in 1766 by [Daniel Titius]? and "published" in 1772 by Johann Elert Bode, thus the name.

    It states that the mean distance a of the planet from the Sun is in astronomical units:

    a=0.4 + 0.3*k

    where k=0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 (sequence of powers of two and 0)

    Here are the distances of planets calculated from this rule and compared with real ones:

    PlanetnT-B rule distance Real distance

    We can see that there are two exceptions:

    Here is a plot of this law against real planet distances:

    There is no solid theoretical explanation of the Titius-Bode law, and we do not know if this is just a numerical coincidence or a more fundamental cosmological rule.

    Currently the most likely explanation is that orbital resonance from major orbiting bodies create regions around the Sun that is free of long-term stable orbits. Results from simulation of planetary formation seem to support that laws like the Titus-Bode law indeed is a natural consequence of planetary formation, according to the current theories in this area.

    Recent discoveries of extrasolar planetary systems also indicate that some form of this rule may be present universally, but the evidence is still too weak to draw any strong conclusions.

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    Last edited November 7, 2001 7:43 pm by Zundark (diff)