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Changed: 1c1
AFRICANUS, SEXTUS JULIUS, a Christian traveller and historian
Sextus Julius Africanus, a Christian traveller and historian

Changed: 9,33c9,10
bar-Salibi makes him a bishop, but probably he was not even a
presbyter. He wrote a history of the world (Chronografiai,
in five books) from the creation to the year A.D. 221, a
period, according to his computation, of 5723 years. He
calculated the period between the creation and the birth of
Christ as 5499 years, and ante-dated the latter event by three
years. This method of reckoning became known as the Alexandrian
era, and was adopted by almost all the eastern churches. The
history, which had an apologetic aim, is no longer extant, but
copious extracts from it are to be found in the Chronicon of
Eusebius, who used it extensively in compiling the early episcopal lists. There are also fragments in Syncellus, Cedrenus and the Paschale Chronicon. Eusebius (Hist. Ecc. i. 7, cf. vi. 31) gives some extracts from his letter to one Aristides,
reconciling the apparent discrepancy between Matthew and
Luke in the genealogy of Christ by a reference to the Jewish
law, which compelled a man to marry the widow of his deceased
brother, if the latter died without issue. His terse and
pertinent letter to Origen, impugning the authority of the
apocryphal book of Susanna, and Origen's wordy and uncritical
answer, are both extant. The ascription to Africanus of an
encyclopaedic work entitled Kestoi (embroidered girdles),
treating of agriculture, natural history, military science,
etc., has been needlessly disputed on account of its secular
and often credulous character. Neander suggests that it
was written by Africanus before he had devoted himself
to religious subjects. For a new fragment of this work
see Oxyrhynchus Papyri (Grenfell and Hunt), iii. 36 ff.
bar-Salibi says he was a bishop, but probably he was not even a

Added: 34a12
He wrote a history of the world (Chronografiai, in five books) from the creation to the year A.D. 221, a period, according to his computation, of 5723 years. He calculated the period between the Creation and the birth of Christ as 5499 years, and ante-dated the latter event by three years. This method of reckoning became known as the Alexandrian era, and was adopted by almost all the eastern churches.

Added: 35a14,15
The history, which had an apologetic aim, is no longer extant, but copious extracts from it are to be found in the Chronicon of Eusebius, who used it extensively in compiling the early episcopal lists. There are also fragments in Syncellus, Cedrenus and the Paschale Chronicon. Eusebius (Church History i. 7; vi. 31) gives some extracts from his letter to one Aristides, reconciling the apparent discrepancy between Matthew and Luke in the genealogy of Christ by a reference to the Jewish law, which compelled a man to marry the widow of his deceased brother, if the latter died without issue. His terse and pertinent letter to Origen, impugning the authority of the apocryphal book of Susanna, and Origen's wordy and uncritical answer, are both extant. The ascription to Africanus of an encyclopaedic work entitled Kestoi (embroidered girdles),
treating of agriculture, natural history, military science, etc., has been needlessly disputed on account of its secular and often credulous character. Neander suggests that it was written by Africanus before he had devoted himself to religious subjects. A fragment of this work was found in the [Oxyrhynchus papyri]?.

Removed: 37,38d16

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia

Sextus Julius Africanus, a Christian traveller and historian of the 3rd century, was probably born in Libya, and may have served under Septimius Severus against the Osrhoenians in A.D. 195. Little is known of his personal history, except that he lived at Emmaus?, and that he went on an embassy to the emperor Heliogabalus to ask for the restoration of the town, which had fallen into ruins. His mission succeeded, and Emmaus was henceforward known as Nicopolis. Dionysius bar-Salibi says he was a bishop, but probably he was not even a presbyter.

He wrote a history of the world (Chronografiai, in five books) from the creation to the year A.D. 221, a period, according to his computation, of 5723 years. He calculated the period between the Creation and the birth of Christ as 5499 years, and ante-dated the latter event by three years. This method of reckoning became known as the Alexandrian era, and was adopted by almost all the eastern churches.

The history, which had an apologetic aim, is no longer extant, but copious extracts from it are to be found in the Chronicon of Eusebius, who used it extensively in compiling the early episcopal lists. There are also fragments in Syncellus, Cedrenus and the Paschale Chronicon. Eusebius (Church History i. 7; vi. 31) gives some extracts from his letter to one Aristides, reconciling the apparent discrepancy between Matthew and Luke in the genealogy of Christ by a reference to the Jewish law, which compelled a man to marry the widow of his deceased brother, if the latter died without issue. His terse and pertinent letter to Origen, impugning the authority of the apocryphal book of Susanna, and Origen's wordy and uncritical answer, are both extant. The ascription to Africanus of an encyclopaedic work entitled Kestoi (embroidered girdles), treating of agriculture, natural history, military science, etc., has been needlessly disputed on account of its secular and often credulous character. Neander suggests that it was written by Africanus before he had devoted himself to religious subjects. A fragment of this work was found in the [Oxyrhynchus papyri]?.

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