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Proclus Lycaeus surnamed "The successor" (Πρoκλoς o διαδoχoς). Greek Neoplatonist Philosopher (Constantinopolis February 8th 412 AC, Athens April 17th 487 AC).

Born from a rich family, he studied rhetoric, philosophy and mathematics in Alexandria of Egypt. He came back to Constantinopolis? and has been a succesful lawyer for a short time. But he preffered philosophy. So he went to Athens (431) to study in the famous School of Philosophy which was founded 800 years before by Plato. He lived in Athens until the end of his life, except a one year exile due to his political-philosophical activity which was not to be tolerated by the Christian regime. He became head master of Athens' School of Philosophy.

His work can be divided in two parts. In the first part are his Memorandi in Plato's works: Memorandum in Timaeus (written when he was 28 years old), in Plato's Republic , in Plato's Alcibiades?, in Plato's Parmenides and in Plato's Cratylus. In this part, Proclus analyzes and restates Plato's thought - much misinterpreted and distorted at the time.

The second part is theological: Theologia Platonica, Chrestomatheia, Hymni, Epigrammata et.al. Because of the christian persecutions the knowledge of hellenic religion is fading. Proclus teaches the symbols of greek myths and analyzes them with great care and wisdom. For example, he tells us that "marriage (in greek myths) is the undivided union of creative powers".

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Last edited December 5, 2001 4:31 pm by 194.196.100.xxx (diff)