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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
Korea is a peninsula in eastern Asia and was once a unified country. Politically it is divided in the communist country of North Korea and the capitalist country of South Korea.
Korea is a peninsula in eastern Asia and was once a unified country. Politically it is divided in the communist country of North Korea and the capitalist country of South Korea, since the 1950s when the Korean War occurred.

Changed: 3c3
Korea has unique year named "Dan Gi."
Korean language

Removed: 5,6d4
Korean language


Korea is a peninsula in eastern Asia and was once a unified country. Politically it is divided in the communist country of North Korea and the capitalist country of South Korea, since the 1950s when the Korean War occurred.

Korean language

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Last edited September 27, 2001 10:57 am by 66.136.2.xxx (diff)