[Home]History of wiki

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Changed: 5c5
:[Ward's Wiki]

Changed: 7c7,9
Some more historical information would be good; info about the wiki ethos; about the varieties of wiki software; about the various (many) wikis now online. Wikipedia seems like a natural place to develop an article on the subject of wikis!
Ward Cunningham on the history of Wiki:

:[Ward's Wiki WikiHistory page]

Changed: 9c11
Please see http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiHistory and, if Ward's wiki is open content (is it? See http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiCopyRights), let's just swipe the whole thing. Otherwise, we can do some research using that page, anyway! :-)
Some more historical information would be good; info about the wiki ethos; about the varieties of wiki software; about the various (many) wikis now online. Wikipedia seems like a natural place to develop an article on the subject of wikis!

The original WikiWikiWeb was established by Ward Cunningham, who invented and named the Wiki concept and produced the first implementation of a WikiWiki server.

Ward's Wiki remains one of the most popular Wiki sites:

[Ward's Wiki]

Ward Cunningham on the history of Wiki:

[Ward's Wiki WikiHistory page]

Some more historical information would be good; info about the wiki ethos; about the varieties of wiki software; about the various (many) wikis now online. Wikipedia seems like a natural place to develop an article on the subject of wikis!

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Last edited September 21, 2001 3:16 am by Mark Christensen (diff)