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AINSWORTH, HENRY (1571-1622), English Nonconformist divine ' and scholar, was born of yeoman stock in 1570/1 at Swanton ' Morley, Norfolk. He was for four years from December 1587 a ' scholar of Caius College, Cambridge, and, after associating ' with the Puritan party in the Church, eventually joined the ' Separatists. Driven abroad about the year 1593, he found a ' home in "a blind lane at Amsterdam." He acted as "porter" ' to a scholarly bookseller in that city, who, on discovering ' his skill in the Hebrew language, made him known to his ' countrymen. When part of the London church, of which ' Francis Johnson (then in prison) was pastor, reassembled in ' Amsterdam, Ainsworth was chosen as their doctor or teacher. ' In 1596 he took the lead in drawing up a confession of their ' faith, which he reissued in Latin in 1598 and dedicated to ' the various universities of Europe (including St Andrews, ' Scotland). Johnson joined his flock in 1597, and in 1604 he ' and Ainsworth composed An Apology or Defence of such true ' Christians as are commonly but unjustly called Brownists. The ' task of organizing the church was not easy and dissension was ' rife. Of Ainsworth it may be said that, though often embroiled ' in controversy, he never put himself forward; yet he was ' the most steadfast and cultured champion of the principles ' represented by the early Congregationalists. Amid all the ' strife of controversy, he steadily pursued his rabbinical ' studies. The combination was so unique that many, like the ' encyclopaedists L. Moreri and J. H. Zedler, have made two ' Henry Ainsworths--one Dr Henry Ainsworth, a learned biblical ' commentator; the other H. Ainsworth, an arch-heretic and "the ' ringleader of the Separatists at Amsterdam." Some confusion ' has also been occasioned through his not unfriendly controversy ' with one John Ainsworth, who abjured the Anglican for the Roman ' church. In 1608 Ainsworth answered Richard Bernard's The ' Separatist Schisme. But his ablest and most arduous minor ' work in controversy was his reply to John Smyth (commonly ' called "the Se-Baptist"), entitled a Defence of Holy ' Scripture, Worship and Ministry used in the Christian Churches ' separated from Antichrist, against the Challenges, Cavils ' and Contradictions of Mr Smyth (1609). In 1610 he was ' forced reluctantly to withdraw, with a large part of their ' church, from F. Johnson and those who adhered to him. For ' some time a difference of principle, as to the church's right ' to revise its officers' decisions, had been growing between ' them, Ainsworth taking the more Congregational view. (See ' CONGREGATIONALISM.) But in spirit he remained a man of ' peace. His memory abides through his rabbinical learning. The ' ripe fruit of many years' labour appeared in his Annotations--on ' Genesis (1616); Exodus (1617); Leviticus (1618); Numbers ' (1619); Deuteronomy (1619); Psalms (including a metrical ' version, 1612); Song of Solomon (1623). These were collected ' in folio in 1627, and again in 1639, and later in various ' forms. From the outset the Annotations took a commanding ' place, especially among continental scholars, and he ' established for English nonconformity a tradition of culture and ' scholarship. There is no probability about the narrative ' given by Neal in his History of the Puritans (ii. 47) that ' he was poisoned by certain Jews. He died in 1622, or early ' in 1623, for in that year was published his Seasonable ' Discourse, or a Censure upon a Dialogue of the Anabaptists, ' in which the editor speaks of him as a departed worthy. ' ' LITERATURE.--John Worthington's Diary (Chetham ' Society), by Crossley, i. 263-266; works of John Robinson ' (1851); H. M. Dexter, Congregationalism of the Last ' Three Hundred Years (1880); W. E. A. Axon, H. Ainsworth, ' the Puritan Commentator (1889); F. J. Powicke, Henry ' Barrow and the Exiled Church of Amsterdam (1900), J. H. ' Shakespeare, Baptist and Congregational Pioneers (1906). ' '

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