[Home]Frankfurt am Main

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Frankfurt am Main is a city in Germany. It's the largest city in the german Bundesland Hessen.
Frankfurt am Main is a city in Germany. It's the largest city in the German Bundesland Hessen.

The colors of Frankfurt a.M. are an early imperial white eagle on read .

The name of Frankfurt on the Main river is derived from the Franks "Franconofurt" who lived there.Furt denotes a low point passage across a stream or river (Furche). Alemanni? and Franks lived there and by 794 Charlemagne presided over an imperial assembly and church synod , at which Franconofurt (-furd -vurd) is first mentioned.

Frankfurt am Main is a city in Germany. It's the largest city in the German Bundesland Hessen.

The colors of Frankfurt a.M. are an early imperial white eagle on read .

The name of Frankfurt on the Main river is derived from the Franks "Franconofurt" who lived there.Furt denotes a low point passage across a stream or river (Furche). Alemanni? and Franks lived there and by 794 Charlemagne presided over an imperial assembly and church synod , at which Franconofurt (-furd -vurd) is first mentioned.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt.


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Last edited December 6, 2001 12:36 pm by H. Jonat (diff)