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1. Fascism (in Italian, fascismo) The authoritarian political movement founded by Benito Mussolini in 1919. The name comes from fascio, which may mean "bundle", as in a political group, but also fasces?, the Roman authority symbol of a bundle of rods and axe-head.

2. fascism A system of government which resembles that of meaning 1; an authoritarian dictatorship which uses modern techniques of propaganda and censorship, terror campaigns, and most often violent nationalism and racism (ethnic nationalism).


1. Fascism (in Italian, fascismo) The authoritarian political movement founded by Benito Mussolini in 1919. The name comes from fascio, which may mean "bundle", as in a political group, but also fasces?, the Roman authority symbol of a bundle of rods and axe-head.

2. fascism A system of government which resembles that of meaning 1; an authoritarian dictatorship which uses modern techniques of propaganda and censorship, terror campaigns, and most often violent nationalism and racism (ethnic nationalism).


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Last edited October 7, 2001 10:50 am by The Cunctator (diff)