[Home]Court Jester

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this may be anything you like; to me it's not a personal page; perhaps to Larry and/or 203.109.250.xxx?? --Mathijs

Kings and emperors need to be confronted with their punity and hybris. Triumphant Roman generals had a slave who wispered in their ear that in the end they would die as everyman will. Medieval kings had a Court Jester. Famous was [Will Somers]? the court Jester of Henry VIII. He was the only one who could confront and enhumble this great king. He was also the only one who could temper the Henry's fits of rage.

Larry Sanger is our own king, he has a court jester, too!


We should cherish this man, he has a good sense of humour and burlesque. Larry deserves a court jester like 203.109.250.xxx Larry is a great 'king' to our wikipedia. I'm happy to see we have great court jester to suit him.

This is a personal page, nicht wahr? The content and capitalization of it suggests as much :-) --Anders Törlind

this may be anything you like; to me it's not a personal page; perhaps to Larry and/or 203.109.250.xxx?? --Mathijs

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Last edited November 1, 2001 11:14 pm by Mathijs (diff)