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The Big Bang Theory is the dominant theory in cosmology about the early development of the universe. According to this theory, the universe emerged spontaneously between 10 and 20 billion years ago. The universe was initially microscopic, and almost uniformly filled with energy. As the universe rapidly grew, the temperature dropped, leading to the creation of the known forces of physics, elementary particles, and eventually hydrogen and helium atoms. Over time, these (almost) uniformly-distributed atoms were pulled together by gravity into clumps, forming stars, galaxies, and the other structures seen today.

The Big Bang was not an explosion of matter moving outward to fill an empty universe. Instead, it involved the rapid growth of the universe itself, whose contents became less uniformly distributed over time. Because it involves the universe itself expanding, distant galaxies can actually move apart faster than the speed of light, (as relativity does not constrain space itself, only the things moving through space).

In 1927, the Belgian priest [Georges Lemaître]? was the first to propose that the universe began with the explosion of a primeval atom. His proposal came after observing the red shift in distant nebulae by astronomers to a model of the universe based on relativity. Years later, [Edwin Hubble]? found experimental evidence to help justify Lemaître's theory. Hubble determined that distant galaxies in every direction are receding (with regard to the Earth) at speeds directly proportional to their distance.

Since galaxies were receding, this suggested two possibilities. One that was suggested by Gamow? was that the universe begin at a finite time and has been expanding ever since. The other was Fred Hoyle's [steady state model]? in which new matter would be created as the galaxies moved away from each other and that the universe at one point in time would look roughly like any other point in time. For a number of years the support for these two opposing theories was evenly divided.

A (now) major aspect of the Big bang hypothesis was the prediction in the 1940's of cosmic microwave background radiation or CMBR. The theory proposed that, as all the mass/energy of the universe emerged from the primordial explosion, the initial density of the universe was incredibly high, and hence the temperature of the universe must have been extremely hot (as matter gets hotter when compressed to a higher density). The initial temperature of the universe was so high that matter (as we know it could not exist) as the subatomic particles were too energetic to aggregate into atoms.

However, as the universe was expanding it must have also cooled. As the temperature of the universe fell, matter could form from the primordial plasma. The theory predicted that at some stage (currently reckoned to be around 500 000 years after the beginning), this plasma would thin out sufficiently to permit photons to be set free from the attraction of the other matter, and travel through the constantly expanding reaches of space. The process that produced this inconceivable blast of free energy is known as [photon decoupling]?.

Based on this premise, the theory predicted that this massive blast of radiation should have left some traces in the cosmos, and would have a number of properties. Essentially it says that at the universe was extremely hot at one point, it should still be a little bit warm even today, and calculations predicted a residual tempreature of about 3K (3 degrees above absolute zero). Additionally, as the radiation was produced simultaneously, the traces of it should be uniform or isotropic. Another prediction was that as these photons are subject to the expansion of space, their wavelengths would have been "stretched" or red-shifted. A critical further prediction was that the further away one looks, the hotter the universe should appear to be (as looking further away corresponds to looking backwards in time), and at some extremely distant point the radiation in the universe should be so thick as to become opaque.

At the time they were made, the predictions of the Big Bang theory regarding CMBR were largely ignored, simply because they remained unverifiable due to inadequate technology for nearly 20 years. However, in 1964, [Arno Penzias]? and [Robert Wilson]? conducted a series of observations using a self-assembled microwave receiver. Their findings provided substantial confirmation of almost every aspect of the CMBR predictions, and overwhelmingly swayed the balance of opinion in favour of the Big Bang hypothesis. Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery. In 1989, NASA launched the [Cosmic Background Explorer satellite]? (COBE), and the initial findings (released in 1990) were a stunning endorsement of the Big Bang predictions regarding CMBR, finding a local residual temperature of 2.726 K, determining that the CMBR was indeed isotropic, and confirming the "haze" effect as distance increased.

Although there remain a handful of cosmologists who support [non-standard cosmologies]?, the big bang model is the basis for more sophisticated cosmological models which include [cosmic inflation]?. Also within the big bang model, predictions can be made regarding how the universe ought to look, assuming that it consists of [cold dark matter]? or [warm dark matter]?.



Olber's Paradox

One piece of evidence for the Big Bang model is that it resolves Olber's Paradox or why the sky is black at night.

Red Shift of Galaxies

Background Radiation

Helium concentration

Using the big bang model it is possible to calculate the concentration of helium in the universe.

Possible Ends Under Big Bang Theory

Big Crunch

Big Freeze


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Edited November 19, 2001 4:27 pm by ManningBartlett (diff)