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I would venture to say that it's written by an aficionado; if he's also a critic, he's a critic for a journal that doesn't bother archiving things online: [1]. Those three pages yield the year-old email mestrin1 at earthlink.net. Anyone care to ask him? --KQ

The article about Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is very interesting and enjoyable, but:

Should anybody change or delete or whatever that article, please do not delete the initial part (the one with the description of the symphony's movements), which was written by myself, obtaining it by the score of the symphony. --Goochelaar

I would venture to say that it's written by an aficionado; if he's also a critic, he's a critic for a journal that doesn't bother archiving things online: [1]. Those three pages yield the year-old email mestrin1 at earthlink.net. Anyone care to ask him? --KQ

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Last edited November 25, 2001 11:55 pm by Koyaanis Qatsi (diff)